Topic 395 - You never know what you can do until you have to do it.

Jul 20, 2011 15:05

You never know what you can do until you have to do it. - Betty Ford

I've been around since the 19th Century. Over the many lifetimes I've seen come and go. I've done allot of soddin' things I never thought possible. I've taken down not one, but two slayers. I've defeated countless enemies. Not to mention survivin' the demon trials to get my bloody soul back.

Yet above everythin' I've done. At the top of the list. The fact that I was willin' to sacrifice my very life to save the world. That is somethin' I would have never imagined myself doin' just a few years earlier.

I would have never expected things to turn out how they did. I would have never expected to become the man I became. So the good man I became. A good man willin' to do whatever was necessary to help save and protect the ones he loved. Well I even surprised myself 'bout how good I could be.

Theatrical_Muse: Topic #395
Muse: Spike
Fandom: Buffy/Angel The Series
Words: 175
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