yeah yeah this is lame but I'm BORED

Jul 06, 2006 16:37

I CAN'T WAIT TO START WORK. This is the result of my boredom..much alcohol, many started half assed creations, youtube addiction, and this survey

1. In one sentence, explain what ended your last relationship:
it just was'nt meant to be

2. What made you smile today?
my cat playing with one of her toys

3. What were you doing this morning at 8a.m.?

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
watching the news

5. Something that happened to you in 1985?
i was 2

6. Your prom night?
the first one I got sick from Japanese, the second one I made out with a hot black guy in a tent and got really wasted, the third I just bitched at Jordan the whole time.

7. Last thing you said aloud?
"get it kitty"

8. Last thing someone else said aloud?
"Let me call you right back" -mom

9. Worst thing currently on television:
BArefoot Contessa, Saras Secrets (the two fucking lamest things on food network, Sweet 16 makes me want to hurl, Tom Goes to Mayor (I hate you)

10. What was in the mail today?
f'ing bills and a envelope addressed to Clara Guy haha

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?

12. What is your favorite part of the day?

13. Your current To-do list?
get job, pack, read a book, clean up house

14. Where is your best friend right now?
ones in Atlanta, ones in Portland, ones in Yellowstone, 2 are in Macon, and theres one in Athens

15. What color is your toothbrush?

16. What is out your back door?
well theres not really a back dor but outside the front is our adorable porch

17. Any plans for Friday night?
the ATL

18. Least favorite place to shop?
definately Walmart. I always leave in a bad mood.

19. Last thing you bought?
some sweet t-shirts from the thrift store

20. Last gift you received?
Josh bought me an awesome cow bone bowl from Mexico

21. Funniest thing you heard all day?
Everything coming out of Stephen Colberts mouth

22. Favorite mug?
I have one that says T & A patrol from Daytona Beach that has a girl in a bakini on it. its hilarious

23. What color is your front door?

-Is your hair up?: no
-Is your phone right beside you?: its in the other room
-Do you miss someone?: I sure do, but I get to see them tomarrow
-Do you wish you were somewhere else?: i'm very happy where I'm at but I can't wait to go to the beach
-Do you have plans for tonight?: drinking with Will?
-Are you wearing makeup?: yeah lots of it I just love makeup so much
-Are you wearing chapstick?: no
-Are you cold?: no
-Are you tired?: yeah from too much fucking sleep
-Are you excited? yeah
-Are you watching TV?: no
-Are you wearing pajamas?: no
-Who's the last person you IMed?: Will
-Who's the last person that called you?: Charlsey


-Done anything you regret?: this is stupid. everyone has. my biggest is fucking up school but you learn from mistakes and I regret because its an annoying human emotion but I don;t dwell ya gotta move on
-Ever lied?: I feel like everyday people tell little lies here and there. or maybe just distortions of the truth which I guess constitutes a lie. but big lies I have trouble with. especially with the rents they can read me like a book
-Ever stuck gum under a desk?: unfortunately yes I have a gum addiction
-Ever spit at someone?: no, I think thats so disgusting and trashy
-Ever kick something living?: my brother
-Ever trip over your own feet?: daily
-Ever had your nails done? yeah I love to get manicures and pedicures..i'm for real
-Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: yeah its weird


-Had any plans last week?: what? yeah get drunk and go swimming whilst half assedly(yeah thats a word) trying to get a job
-Who did you see most last week?: Will
-Have you yelled at someone?: Kitty to get out of my face in the morning
-Have you gotten mad at someone?: not humans (well other than the president which is a daily thing) just my cat for waking me up and my rat for biting the shit out of my finger.
-Have you cried?: i did a little when my rat bit me..that shit HURT
-Have you IMed more than 3 people?: no
-Have you gotten laid?: no
-Have you eaten anything gross?: actually I just bought some chicken hotdogs for a dollar and they were pretty gross

Spill Your Guts

1. First thing you did this morning?: looked at my clock and then kissed kitty

2. Last thing you ate?: hotdog and chips

3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?: actually it rules.

4. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: going to the beach, starting my job, being able to hang out with everyone now that they will be back
5. What's annoying you right now?: i'm bored and its hot in my room

6. Do you believe in long-distance relationships?: i've never really been in a serious one but I think that it would be way too hard for me. I guess it depends on how strongly you feel.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: sure is

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Chili's

Q: Who is the last person you called?
A: madre

Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?
A: neither I look like my aunt

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Ben and Elizabeth Ann. they are amazing

Q: Do you smile often?
A: all the time. it really does'nt take much to make me smile or laugh for that matter

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: yeah..well I hope so at least

Q: Choose one (only one!) to have: love, beauty, or creativity.
A: this question would make more sense if those three things were'nt from completely different categories

Q: Do you wish on stars?
A: no. but I like to look at them

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: no

Q: What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten?
A: sushi that India was eating. i like some sushi but fdejfkadljsf; shit was SICK

Q: Would you kill someone?
A: i don;t think I could physically do it even in self defense you never know i suppose

Q: When did you last cry?
A: when I went to see Parks.

Q: Do you like your handwriting
A: i think it sucks

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: yeah.

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?
A: how can you not keep a secret from the world

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: mine

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?
A: pretty blue and gree flowers

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?
A: playing with puppies at Charlies and helping him give them baths

Q: I can't wait till...
A: tomorrow

Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: no i took him off

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: futon

Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: yeah and video. WOW FANCY

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: yes

Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A: yeah

Q: Song that makes you cry?
A: certain Sigur-ros songs bring tears to my eyes and certain Sufjan songs do the same.

Q: Are you a normally happy person?
A: yeah I'm pretty damn optimistic

Q: Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said "I love you" to you?
A: yes

Q: Is your self-esteem extremely low?
A: no

Q: What color are your eyes?
A: blue/green

Q: Long or Short Hair?
A: long. i love it

Q: Current Music?
A: I'm not going to lie..Kelly Clarkson. I LOVE HER

ok new plan is to collect cozys from every state. see ya
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