Let's see. well I got my ass chewed out today at work, by a costumer...well his father
The costumer is 55 years old, his father is in his 80's. And trust me I know both there livies story...they both love to talk. I pulled in the costumer came out, we said are goodmorning's. Told hime I wasnt working there today and why. He seemed fine with it, then ten min's later his dad showed up and just started yelling and bitching. Well I sat there like a good little polite, respectful forman and my ass still hurts. after he stoped yelling...I started talking, explain a few things to him, calmed him down, made my promisies. and everything was fine. So let's see if this goes any higher then me. I hope not! spent most of the rest of the day driving from jobsite to jobsite. it was FUN!! not. When ever I have days like this it's a notch in my belt so to speak, the more notchies I get the closer I get to qiuteing this job and saying the hell with it. Day's like this means wasted time, wasted worked, lost of profit. Dont get me wronge everyone has day's like this. I just have to many. The work I know, running the crew in the field I enjoy. the paper work sucks! the extra's (up keep on truck, tractor.ect..) getting easier....Time managment, I suck at it. I try to plan my day out as far in advance as possible. Then shit goes wronge and you adjust, then again. after a few times I kinda just say the hell with it and wing it. I know I shouldn't but I get so flustered, and I want to go back to when I was on a good crew. We all knew our job's we were all fast and could cover the other's if we had to. Now it seems all I do is train, as soon as I get started on somthing..someone is asking me to explain somthing (that to me is really simple) that they just dont get. It wouldnt be that bad if the 50 new guys before them (whom didnt last) werent asking me a million other Q's. It just wears you out. I know if things dont get better soon I might end up looking for a new job. I try to stay upbeat, makes it alot harder when the best man you have is mean, loud, depressing, just a real downer. and he just happens to be a good friend of mine..but he brings me down, he gets so depressed and sterssed out that it makes me feel that way. well now that I totaly bummed myself out, I think I'll go eat.