May 22, 2006 02:13
pee. ess.:
to those of you who don't already know, i'm running away to europe in five days.
leave me yr address if you want a postcard, because sending postcards is always fun.
May 22, 2006 01:54
this is a
plea for
if you know anyone who lives
in europe who would
be willing to let me stay/hangout with them, please give me their address?
it'd be awesome.
May 19, 2006 00:11
i can't remember the last time i went on a date that didn't make me want to run away screaming like a deranged manson family member by the end of the night so tonight was therefore necessary.
May 12, 2006 11:54
spontaneously driving to the city at 3am to wander around in the rain is sometimes necessary and ridiculous at the same time.
i found a fellini shirt on ebay and my ass is not leaving this chair until its mine.
May 06, 2006 19:53
dear russell.
i was about 75% sure that you were dead this morning.
no worries, though. it worked as an excuse to get off work early.
i would have thrown rocks at yr window but i couldn't figure out which one it was.
love tash.
Apr 28, 2006 17:46
'...we search for weapons, drugs, we search in their pockets. if they have cigarette packs, their cigarette packs are opened. we have a wand. whey go through a metal detector. we can't look in your socks.'
(cynthia russo)
'after-hours are just about drugs...'
(john blair)
Apr 25, 2006 15:30
too much time
confused in the rain
feeling ridiculously unnwanted
overhearing bullshit
i'm smarter than that;
give me a little credit here.
making peace with the cops
never getting another purchase ticket.
perpetually unable to keep weight on;
now and then is still too often.
i know, it's one big mindfuck.