I think I need a vacation from life. I am so tired and out of it today and I have a shit-ton of work to get done...I don't see how this is going to happen. I'm not making the situation any better by needlessly updating ye olde elJay, now am I?
My Holter monitor came off yesterday. It's nice to be able to move around and know a two pounds device isn't going to swing and whap you in the leg if you move too fast. I get the results next week, hopefully they are able to see something when I marked the tape during the "attacks". I'm going to be getting an abdominal ultrasound next Tuesday. It's going to be weird getting that as I haven't had one done since I was 16 and had surgery due to Endometriosis. I'm really hoping they don't find Endo tumors everywhere. It was my choice not to do anything about that--actually doing nothing helped with the pain so I figured it can't be as bad as being forced to take medicine that may or may not help me. Plus, you can't be on birth control for that long of a time, it will harm your body a lot so there's that too. IDK, I'm worried. I hope this has nothing to do with surgery. I don't want surgery but I do want an answer as to why this is happening. I can't live my life like this. Fibro and migraines are enough to deal with (let's not even get into food allergies), I just can't randomly pass out all the time. It's severely cutting into my normal life.
Speaking of being ill, my dad somehow burned his toes on a hot coal whilst cooking out on the grill. Apparently he's been having numbness/neuropathy for a while now but refused to admit it. After going to the doctor several times it's been confirmed that he has Diabetes on top of a third degree burn. This isn't really a surprise considering how he eats--that shit will catch up to you at some point in time. What's terrible though is I am surrounded in Diabetes now. My mom has it, now my dad, my uncle on my dad's side, my great grandma on my dad's side and my mom's side...I think I might be missing someone else. It's not fair that after cutting out everything unhealthy in my diet, save for carbs in noodle or rice form, that I haven't lost any weight. It's been nine months since I was diagnosed with the soy allergy, I should be down at least 30lbs. Fibro makes sure you don't lose weight--if it's not just because you can't exercise without spending the rest of the week in bed it actually holds onto your weight or makes you gain it somehow. Plus there's all those pills that make you gain weight, yet another reason why I won't be going to any of those anytime soon. I'm hoping that it's a thyroid issue and I can take a simple pill to make this all stop.
I had a dream last night that Matt Smith was no longer cast as Doctor Who and I was devastated and started arguing with everyone I came across about how great an actor he is, how his delivery and intensity gave the role a real punch. Apparently my subconscious is really attached to Matt Smith as Doctor Who. I did not know this. (Must be all those photos of Karen Gillan I kept staring at over the past week thanks to
Possibly spoilery ahead!
Speaking of TV, is anyone else as excited as I am that Futurama is back on air? I hope everyone has been watching. I'm not totally blown away by the latest episodes but it has made me laugh so that's always a good sign. Plus, I'm entirely astounded by how much pop culture they can fit into one episode. Leela's Scottish butt boil named Susan? Oyyyyy. And IT Crowd! Ohhhh how I have missed your faces, you lovely bunch of ragtag misfit tech geeks and Jen. That first episode was top notch, when Moss confronted Roy as his ex-gf during D&D. Roy's face and pleading, "Please don't do this" I could not hold it together after that. I can't wait for tonight's episode! And True Blood. Can we talk about TB and the last episode? Exorcist fucking is never the answer, Beel. Never. I keep creeping out my mom by saying, "Sookie" out of nowhere and then she laughs hysterically for some reason. All I'm saying is this season needs moar Eric. In fact, let's just leave Beel out of it all together and go straight to season four.
I also saw Toy Story 3 a few days ago and OMG could Kristen Schaal be any cuter? No! It's not possible, she's the pinnacle of adorableness. I can't wait to go to Target and buy her little Trixie figurine and put it on my computer at work. Because surrounding yourself in novelty toys at work is clearly the most adult thing to do. Actually I've decided I need to find those offices that buy things off of
ThinkGeek and wage cube wars and need to get a job there. My cubicle proves I need silly 20something behavior and not this strict by-the-book engineering land I call work.
Well I suppose I ought to actually get work done today though I'd much rather pretend it didn't exist. Have a happy fourth of July to my fellow Americans!