Practically everyone on my flist is participating in the 30 Day Meme and because I can't stay strong under peer pressure, I thought I would too. At least it would be an update that didn't consist of, "Hai guyz, I was in the ER again last night!" Oh update does actually include the ER. Damnit. Entry!Fail.
I have now bumped up my ER visits to six in the past three months. There was one I totally failed to write about a few weeks ago but I can't remember what sent me there to begin with. The most recent visit was on Friday, September 24. I was having some lousy neuropathy pain in my feet, as I do, and decided to take 1/2 a Vicodin even though I've read that people with Urticaria and Mast Cell Disorders should be careful with opiods because you can react. Well I thought, I don't know for certain I even have MCAD so fuck it I want some pain relief. I totally ignored the voice inside my head that said, "Stop being so stupid, stupid." Took a whole 20 minutes before THEFEELING started and I was all, hoshit!, and started shaking and whatnot. I downed some Benadryl, more Pepcid and kept my Epi close. Eventually I just demanded my mom drive me to the ER.
Every time I go to there now they're kind of disappointed I treated myself. Because the meds I take and the dosage I take them at are the same they would've provided. So now they just put in an unnecessary (well, thank G-d it's unnecessary) IV, hook me up to monitors, and watch me for four hours and occasionally stop in to see that you know, I'm not dying or anything. The ER was hopping this time, again, and there was someone violently vomiting nearby and the room next to me had a girl that I would say was probably about 17-19 screaming, "Don't let me them hurt me!" She was either delusional from pain or high, I'm not sure but hearing someone scream like that was seriously unnerving and made me far more upset.
The good news is that my antihistamines help stop the reaction and I have yet to really go into serious anaphylaxis again. Of course, any anaphylaxis can advance rapidly but all in all this is something positive. They let me go home after midnight and I slept, and slept, and slept.
I recently met with a new allergist to get help on the necessary testing I needed done. She was pretty cool and listened to my theories and took my supporting docs with interest (yes I do go to an appointment like I approach a thesis and provide evidence--this is the only time you'll see me approach a situation with cold hard Spock, but sexier). I got to pee in a jug! Twice! And by jug I mean I literally had to save my urine for 24 hours. I felt like Howard Hughes by the end of it. I contemplated wearing Kleenex boxes on my feet but I didn't think I could find ones large enough.
Unfortunately after my Friday fiasco it meant three days of recovery and not eating which really, really sucks. I reacted all over the place and was justifiably pissed. Today however I seem to be able to eat so, yay sustenance. My new allergist however is at a loss as to how to help me and told me I should just go to the Medical College and try to eat "foods I know are safe." Well allergist lady, that's the problem--I react to everything. Regardless I already have an appointment for tomorrow at the College. And the leading Mast Cell Disorder Researcher/Doctor finally got back to me with names of doctors in the Midwest I could see that would help me. And one of them is in Chicago and I had an opening next week Wednesday! Yay! She specializes in Mast Cell Disorders, Idiopathic Anaphylaxis, Angiodema, and Urticaria among other things so she should hopefully be able to definitively tell me if I have a mast issue or not. I hope to G-d I don't but the pain pill reaction has more or less confirmed that conclusion for me. Leave it to me to get every rare disease/disorder in existence.
On Saturday I was feeling a bit better and went with
photoclerk to her friends' apartment for a get together. The wino in me was disappointed that I could not drink the insane amounts of wine (and sparkling wine) at that party. So instead I sent drinky-thoughts to others.
We played Apples to Apples which I guess must be the go-to game for geeks because every party I'm at someone busts this out. Regardless, it was a fun and chatty group to play with and I won the first round because I am awesome (and a geek).
We didn't leave until very late and I felt old hobbling to the car exhausted and stiff because I can't sit on metal chairs for more than 30 minutes at a time and actually need real furniture. I am indeed 27 going on 83. That's how I roll.
Speaking of my birthday is this Friday and I'm already on a OMG-I'M-ALMOST-THIRTY freak out despite not actually turning 30 (I'm going to be 28) but nonetheless that much closer to 30. It's not that I dislike turning older but more so that I didn't see myself where/how I am today. As a person, the evolution of my character and such, I'm pleased as punch. In fact, I'm pretty proud of the progression of my personality (and this alliteration). HOWEVER, 28 was always a year that stuck out to me as a child. I always imagined I'd have a career, be married or on my way, possibly have the very least be an ADULT. Go to the bank like a motherfucking adult. Wait, wrong tangent.
I certainly didn't expect to be bogged down by disease and illness, letmetellyou. To sum it up, it's shitty to be 28 and sick and depend on your parents, mkay? I'm grateful that I have someone I can depend on, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't stop me from wishing I was that woman I always expected I'd be. G-d willing things will change. Or maybe I just need to change and find a way to become that woman regardless the circumstances. See? Getting older makes me smarter already.
As fer the celebratin' I am gathering my friends to go to Dave & Buster's this Friday because I figure the bright lights and loud noises will distract my little ADD brain and keep me from being sad about the lack of birthday meal/drink. Also I like shiny things, have I mentioned? If all else fails there's always Mona's.
I came home today to find a card from
abunchofcrap sitting on the table--my first birthday card! (Right on time, as always. ;D) Packaged inside was the amazing Engrish facial tissues she found in Hawaii that I thought were the best thing ever. There's no way I can possibly use them now, they're too cute! Thank you, Lauren! <3333
It reads: "Hamu Hamu Chi-Chan
Only you And you alone can Thrill me like do"
My name is Kiley--not Killy, not Kally, not Kelly--just Kiley. No, I'm not Irish nor am I Australian (though I wouldn't mind a little in me, badum) my mom actually came up with the name when she realized I would murder her years later had she named me Kyle. And she was right, I would have. I am a self-proclaimed nerd and proud of it. I will be 28 shortly. I work as a program coordinator at a non-profit that focuses on STEM education which is probably one of the best employment categories to be in as it speaks to my passion for education, the underdog, and my Libra sensibilities.
As you may or may not have deduced I deal with a lot of medical issues. I've kind of always been a sick kid and my immune system has eluded and confused practically every doctor I meet. I've spent so much time in and out of doctor's offices that now when being seen most of the staff think I'm a doctor myself or am pursuing a medical degree. I would actually become a doctor if it didn't mean lives depended on me for you
I am an artist first and foremost, though it's been a long time since I've held a paintbrush in my hand. I'm sort of a jill of all trades, tbh. I'm good at many things but not exceptional at one which makes the whole "what do I do with my life" a bit of a sticky wicket.
I graduated from a selective arts high school and majored in visual arts. Won an award or two while there. I went on to study Creative Writing and French at Uni and I lived abroad for a (way too) short period of time. I fell in love with Paris all over again. Regardless the insane financial burden it's left me in, I'm really glad that I went and think you really haven't lived until you've left this country. But it's a luxury that not everyone can afford, though hopefully most will try.
I'm defined by my passions and thrive on them. I consume music, film, art, creation in general.... I am a true perfectionist and rarely finish what I begin because I can never get it just right. You might know it as procrastination.
I like to write in shorthand and talk like Bridget Jones when I'm excited and possibly use too many exclamation marks just because I can. Like now!!11! I enjoy being silly, geeking out over pop culture, and delivering the perfect one-liner. I'm sort of in love with foreign television, particularly from the UK. I'm not entirely sure why but it makes me happy and that's a good enough reason for me. It also enforces my belief that I'm not actually American and have merely been left here by accident.
Day 01 - Introduce Yourself
Day 02 - Your first love
Day 03 - Your parents
Day 04 - What you ate today
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your day
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A precious item
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - What you wore today
Day 11 - Your siblings
Day 12 - What’s in your bag
Day 13 - This week
Day 14 - Your childhood
Day 15 - Your dreams
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favorite memory
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - Your morning routine
Day 21 - Your job and/or schooling
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - Your sleeping habits
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favorite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your favorite foods/drinks
Day 30 - Your aspirations