This was kicking around ages ago, and I didn't feel the need to do it. But, I'm bored, and it's a timewaster! So what the hell!
1. You're always incredibly friendly, and funny and lovely, and I although we don't chat often, when we do I find you very genuine and fun to talk to.
2. We don't talk as much anymore, which is sad, because I remember I used to really laugh out loud when we did, and I feel as though we've drifted apart from having been so close.
3. I respect you a lot, and I always read your entries, even though I may very rarely comment. I guess it's because we don't really have anything in common, but I find you a very interesting person.
4. I admire you so much, and have been visiting your site for a long time. You continue to inspire me with each entry and I wish I had a little bit more of you, in me.
5. I think you may have only added me to keep track of something...I skim your entries, but you seem nice. We don't talk enough to be close at all.
6. You are someone who always underestimates yourself and puts yourself down, yet you have so much talent and personality, it's crazy. You've been a very good friend for over a year now.
7. Your entries keep me entertained, though secretly if we met...I'm pretty sure I'd be scared!
8. You are creative, and amusing, though I know little about you as a person.
9. I added you as you seemed cool. But your entries bore me and you talk about the same old crap every time. I don't read much of them anymore.
10. Your entries are very long, so sometimes I'm guilty of skimming, but it's interesting to see how you've progressed this last year or so. I like you a lot, and if we met, I'm sure we'd get along very well.
11. I don't know much about you yet, but I'd like to know more. You seem to have...layers. And I find you very intriguing.
12. I liked you before you got annoying. Now you seem to have altered yourself so as to fit in with others, and I can't be bothered to dicifer what you're on about.
13. I should comment more because I like you a lot, but sometimes I don't know how to respond. You seem a very nice person though, and we have a lot in common.
14. We used to be so close, and talk everyday. It's sad that we don't anymore, but we both have different interests now, and it wouldn't be the same. Your entries make me think back to that. I think I miss it more than I realised actually.
15. You are a very talented artist and that's what overwhelmed me at first. We have a lot in common on our journals, but when it comes down to your entries, they all seem the same to me.
16. I'm not really sure why you added me as we have little in common and you only seem to want to talk about one thing. But...I find myself still reading and I'm not even sure why.
17. Erm...I don't know who you are, or how you're on my friend's list....
18. You seem cool, but I don't know you yet.
19. I look up to you, more than anyone else on my friends list. I have a lot of respect for all that you stand for, and for the way that you bring that across. You're smart and talented, and I'm sure you have an amazing future ahead of you.
20. I don't really read your entries but something may catch my eye every now and then. You seem lovely though.
21. I use to read your entries and comment a lot because you used to be interesting, but I really don't think anyone cares anymore! It's always the same oldcrap. You never really gave the impression that you had much time for me, so I don't particularly have any time for you.
22. You are a wonderful friend offline or on, and we have a lot of fun. I can trust you and talk to you about anything. We get excited about things others do not!
23. We used to talk a lot, and recently we've started to again. I still really like you, and I've always found you very interesting and unique, but at the same time, sometimes tiresome.
24. I don't really know you as a person, and it's rare that we communicate at all really. You have different fandoms and different interests, but when the two of ours cross over, it's fun to read what you have to say.
25. We used to comment on each other's sites and on here every now and then. You are a completely lovely person, but neither of us are online enough to form a closer relationship. I do like you a lot though.
26. You're a lovely person and always have something interesting to say, and often you surprise me with your comments or opinions, which I find refreshing.
27. I respect you a lot, and we have a lot in common. We've never become very close, but I always read your entries to see what you are up to. Your entries are quite inspiring to read, and if we met offline, I think I'd like you even more.
28. You are amazing, and wonderful and fun fun fun! And I miss you a lot!
29. We talk every now and then. I like you, but we'd never be close. Probably a personality clash somewhere there.