*Once more, Soundwave went around about the outpost to make certain nothing else had observed what had happened there. All that was left to take care of was the Autobot spy. Ravage dragged the knocked-out body inside now, and left him laying to one side. Unfortunately, it was discovered neither had any form of restraint cuffs to put on Mirage in
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Comments 6
.oO(Ravage...The one in charge of all this must be Soundwave. Somehow he must have processor-washed Channel. Aside from what secrets she might know about the Ark Autobots or the Autobot femmes, no female in her right mind would be interested in Soundwave. And there is no possible way that uncharismatic bore could actually be in love with her. No, she has been tricked...If I try to catch up with her now she won't ( ... )
But when the two casseticons arrived at the outpost, Mirage was no where to be found.*
R: Slag. They're not going to like this.
F: You sure this is the right place? Maybe he meant outside?
R: *groans* [Comm: Soundwave] Soundwave: we've been sent to get Mirage from this outpost, but... he's not here anymore. I think he got away.
[Comm: Rumble] ... Status acknowledged. Dismissed.
R: *his optics glowed breifly, finding that response to be rather terse* I guess he's going to have someone else track the bozo down.
F: Yey! Okay... where were we in our plans before Ravage interrupted us?
R: *smirks, heading back toward the gate to the underwater bridge* Figuring out how to catch Skywarp off guard so we could...
*Felt surprised for a few nanoclicks after recieving her transmission regarding the attack. All things considered, it did feel like the natural thing for her to do... if she sought further reason to trust him.*
[Triple-Encrypted SComm: Channel] Motormaster leads the attack, on his own accord.
*He hesitates, still trying to find a solid answer as to why. The clues he'd been picking up on after returning to the underwater base made him suspicous. But to find the source of the small drones, and to ascertain if Motormaster was going on his own accord or by the command of someone else was not something he could not trace yet.*
I was not notified of the attack. [/end]
*But Soundwave decided to not tell her he had sent out Ravage to act as her bodyguard during that attack. And for the cat-ninja to find further insight behind Motormaster's motives.*
[Encrypted Scomm: Soundwave] Motormaster... *Vaguely remembers someone warning her about being unfamiliar with fighting the Stunticons*
...Thank you. *pauses* I will have to join this fight, but it doesn't change what I said. I can resign right afterward. ...This might even provide a good reason behind such a sudden request. If I can arrange things carefully enough and accept some damage... ...yes, this could be an actual advantage. I will contact you again afterward.. [/comm]
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