hah too bad meranda's a bum thats staying in state due to....hate of change, sentimentality, and heightended ease of getting in (possibly?) ho hum. haha
if youre not doing anything tonight gimme a call im trying to will dave to wake up so we can have the michael moore movie marathon tonight (or MMMM) and you and doug will be more thank welcome im guessing.
aaaaah hi (in our little way of saying it of course)!!!! douglas is still out of town so he wouldnt be able to join but if my friend josh ends up cancelling/i dont talk to william i might be able to come id just probably have ride issues..hmmmmm ill call you though if i think i cannn! farewelll kim dear :)
Comments 5
if youre not doing anything tonight gimme a call im trying to will dave to wake up so we can have the michael moore movie marathon tonight (or MMMM) and you and doug will be more thank welcome im guessing.
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