Title: how far the story goes
Fandom: Tortall Universe
Characters/Pairings: Kel, OCs
Rating/Warnings: G, futurefic
Written for:
dropsofviolet at the drabble prompt post. (Still open, because why not.)
Wordcount: ~450
A/N: I'm going to be posting these up here properly day by day, because I am obsessed with organization. Carry on in peace.
The First Company of the King's Own stopping by your village, of all places. )
Comments 11
...as a side note, I always thought that Raoul was gay, and in love with Alan/Alanna. I was a little put out that he and Buri go together. Not so much anymore, but gosh darn it I loved my Huge Gay Giant!
And hmm, there's an idea! I read the Protector books first, so I never actually thought about that (since we never really got to see them interact.)
Love that Kel eventually takes up Raoul's mantle, and the view of her from a third party that is still so spot-on. :D
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