Title: meet me where lady mercy goes when she's gone from home
Fandom: Homestuck
Characters/Pairings: Bro/Mr. Egbert/Mrs. Lalonde
Ratings/Warnings: R, graphic descriptions of injury, sexualization thereof, pre-threesome
Written for:
lathyrismWordcount: 940
A/N: Please, please, please let the coding work this time...
'Well, don’t you look a dreadful mess,' she observes, gliding along the cracked stinking concrete; he sheathes his sword with a showy little flick to his wrist that he never let the kid pick up. )
Comments 4
That said - you're right, it does start slowly. Act 3 is where the characters start getting really interesting, if I recall correctly, and act four is where the story explodes. (It's kind of surreal in retrospect, actually, how much of a shift there is. I'd say more, but I don't know if you're worried about spoilers and also I'm probably getting annoying.)
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