They say you can't go home again...

Aug 18, 2012 17:59

So! As I'm sure anyone followinsg this journal may have noticed, I've kind of been neglecting things around here since last fall. The fault of this, yes, was Tumblr. I do like Tumblr - I like the concept for a blogging site, I like the people on it, I love the friends I've made. However, the people who run the site? Have their head so far up their ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

evewithanapple August 18 2012, 23:00:15 UTC
IMPORTANT INFORMATION re: Slings&Arrows. Watch the first two seasons and GO NO FURTHER. Pretend there is no third season. That way lies madness.


sour_idealist August 19 2012, 00:54:36 UTC
I probably won't be able to resist it, but AH WELL. It may be ignored. And perhaps I will grow sense by the time I finish s2!


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