Words: 343
Summary: Just another night of heartbreak.
I'm Afraid I Was Completely Transparent
I forgot how hard it was to say goodbye to you. Every goodbye I've ever had to say was extended into inappropriate lengths because I never wanted to leave. It always felt like there was one more thing to be said, one more kiss to be had. There would never be enough. I can't even say goodbye to you for the night without my heart breaking. How am I supposed to say goodbye to you for good and still have a heart?
I once thought you took my need to speak away, but I think what you really took was my ability because I've tried to tell you how much I miss you, how badly I need to see you, how much I think about you, But every time I try, my mouth fills with sand and inadequate words and maybe you'll never come back to me if you don't know. And yet, I still don't know how to say it. I try to let my eyes do the talking. Actually, I don't try, they're just as impulsive to speak as my mouth because whether it's my eyes talking or my mouth, I just can't shut up
And maybe you saw. I think you did. Your demeanor changed when my eyes started screaming. I think you heard it louder than the brasses at the concert. You stepped towards me, right in front of me, not accidentaly close. And for a minute, it felt like the first night we met. And for a minute, I thought you were going to get closer and linger by my hair for a minute, and for a minute there I thought all minutes would stop and I would kiss you, only for a minute, I promise.
But then you stepped back.
And so I leave with another unfinished goodbye and a hug that lasted too long for me to keep it together. A hug that seemed to say "I missed you too" almost.
But what do I know?
I'm neurotic, obsessed and delusional, and you're just plain unpredictable.