haha that's an awesome thought; he was probably all, what is that little girl doing here. Hehe but thanks and I cannot wait to see your pics!! (in all my stupidity I forgot to get one of us girls!! argh)
I'm glad you had such a great time! Wow, seems like you felt very very sweaty and sticky. Kinda uncomfortable eh? lol. Well, the fun would already overcome that! haha. :)
I can't wait to get my pictures back.... ahh. Midea said that Andrew did a double take look at you when you got out and were walking away. How awesome is that? I love that boy like whoa. He's so nice. But yay! I'm glad you had fun.
OMG I cannot tell u how much that statement made my day--hehe. I soo wish I could've met him--I am uber jealous of you!! Next time, next time; this time I was mainly focusing on not getting caught haha--I'm really glad he's nice tho, u know? Like, you want your favorite band to be down-to-earth, you know?? That's awesome, tho--I can't wait to see your pics!! Bye my love!!
Comments 8
oh and i saw your pics....they're beautiful!!!!
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