OOC::Character Information dontchaknow.

May 24, 2008 00:00

Player's Name/Nickname: NBKitsune; Kits for short
Journal: stephsal
AIM or Email:
AIM: arwenundomiel862
GMAIL: pirateninjazombie

Character Information

Name: Patrick Colasour
Series/Fandom: Gundam 00
Age: 20
Gender: A guy. Definitely a guy.

Sexuality: Heterosexual. Currently looking for random play, Patrick Colasour does not do the relationship thing. (Not yet at least, when there is fine young wimminz to be tapped.)

Student or Faculty Member/Professor: Student, Sophomore

Major: Theater

Minor: Philosophy (He fancies himself a renaissance man. In the fine tradition of other French philosophers, he pushes on. He fails hard at this. )

Residence: Dormitories

Occupation: Waiter at one of the French restaurants in the city. Job result of a family friend running said restaurant, and not any actual work on Patrick’s part. Mostly for some extra money on the side of what he gets from his parents. Daddy and mommy Colasour have their precious baby’s back at the moment, they want their son to get the best education and pour the euros in like there’s no tomorrow.

Around about 5’9”, he’s around average height and at 126 pounds, he’s a bit on the thin and scrawny side, though surprisingly with a bit of muscle. Patrick also has violet eyes and hair that puts one in the mind of a chicken, or perhaps a rooster by both the auburn color of it and the styling. He tends to wear either the latest fashions or black depending on his location. At work, since it is a fancy schmancy sort of place, he wears traditional black tie waiter garb. Tends to smirk.

With a fiery temper, an ego that barely fits into a large auditorium, and a mouth loud enough to be heard across the country, Patrick is quite the character. In true French fashion, he’s proud and quite the womanizer, able to turn on the charm to most women, though granted being French also helps. He is fairly competitive, being the sore loser otherwise. With a flair for the dramatic, often overreacting, Patrick found his calling to the theater. It was the lights and the action that drew him to the field. Or so he says. There’s also the fact that chicks dig the thespians. While his acting is actually pretty good, the problem lies in the fact that this overdramatic tendency seems to actually be on 24/7.

He also has a penchant for idiocy at times and has the perceptivity of a turnip. Though in fact a turnip may have more sense of observation at times. He thinks of himself as a witty man when the truth of the matter is that he’s the last one to get the jokes or any verbal slights.

Don’t ever mention WWII Vichy France. And don’t ever insult France. And don’t make fun of his accent or his hair. Ever. Actually, scratch that. For laughs, all of the above are encouraged. He will get mad. He will try to hurt you at a certain point. He will probably fail 98% of the time. Though sometimes he gets lucky.

Also Zinedine Zidane is the best thing since sliced bread. That Italian player DESERVED to be head-butted. And it’s FOOTBALL, not SOCCER.

Doing quite well for himself, Patrick was an only child born to a well to do family in Paris, France. With a mother who was one of the higher-ups in a successful fashion house, and a father who was a CEO in the business world, Patrick wanted for nothing in his normal and by all accounts charmed childhood. He was sent to the best schools and did well enough. (Between womanizing and bragging/exaggerating about his accomplishments of course.)

And of course, to make sure their son had the best, they looked abroad to find the best university for their son. And finding Evergrove and being satisfied with what they saw, they sent Patrick off, though with a bit of reservation about his intended major. And so he went, and over the course of his first year he became far more fluent in English (especially slang) than he had with years of English lessons, got a job waitering, and managed to sleep with a respectable (Or disrespectable depending on your POV) amount of his female classmates.

And so he begins his second year at Evergrove, once again with a pocket full of monies and an eye for the incoming freshmen ladies.


Student Name:Patrick Colasour

First Period:Acting II
Second Period:Philosophical Ethics
Break Period: Lunch and womanizing
Third: Modern European Foundations of Western Civilizations
Fourth:English 102 - College Composition II

[[FIRST period is taken from here - http://www.fordham.edu/theatre/perf_maja_1b1.htm
SECOND period is taken from here-


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