Featuring: alice nine. Pairings: Saga/Nao Genre: Smut, angst Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Immediate smut scene. Disclaimer: I totally own alice nine. sou ja nai... Summary: "Nao's hips slammed into the counter..."
Aww~ Nao and Saga seriously are sweet together, even in times like this~
Hai! n-nv A drabble is a really short story, kind of like a single scene that was taken out of a a bigger picture or something. Well, that's how I see it anyway.
kehe. Arigatou gozaimasu~ *snuggles* Thank you, I don't think I did to well so it's nice to hear kind words! And I... am... (x_x;;) I have serious issues I suppose. kusu kusu
re;;p.s: Maa... I don't usually post to communities... But I will this time... Thank you!
Comments 18
Hai! n-nv A drabble is a really short story, kind of like a single scene that was taken out of a a bigger picture or something. Well, that's how I see it anyway.
I luff you, Naoruki~! -Huggleluffs.- 83
Oh~ kehe. okay. Thank you Kairei-chan! (≡^∇^≡) Wakaru desu~
Suki de Kairei! *snuggleshugs* (*^.^*)
You're welcome~! n-n
-Giggles and huggleclings.-
I can't get over how great of a drummer now is... And Kai. I just love listening to them play~
Very hot hon,and it was so funny how you had the idea!But glad that you did!^__^/
p.s.:you should post it on sagaxnao 0=3
Thank you, I don't think I did to well so it's nice to hear kind words! And I... am... (x_x;;) I have serious issues I suppose. kusu kusu
re;;p.s: Maa... I don't usually post to communities... But I will this time... Thank you!
Ha ha, awesome~ Yays smut. Happy birthday present to Nao, ne? XD Though I'm a bit late. ;o;
Omgomgomgomg I love you're smut. I want Saga/Shou stuff... >_>
Aw, kehe. I'm sure he doesn't mind it's late. :3
Thank you dearest! *snuggles* I will write some ShouxSaga just for you, kehe.
...can you make Saga seme though...?? *doesn't like seme Shou >_>*
Ah, I am sooo picky! Gomen gomen!! ;o;
of course~ he loves us "wives" (^-^) kusu.
I don't remember where we all agreed to marry them but eh... <-<
Shou is turning really bratty. (-_-;;) kusu. Yeah Shou-seme would be... odd. O-o Saga seme is sexy, so I'll do that. *glompu*
You're not picky... And if you were I am too. kehe.
Probably the best journal I saw posted on my friends page. XD Nothing like a little boy on boy to brighten your evening. XD
You role play at all??
No, I don't role play, kusu.
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