Dear Yuletide Fic Writer,
As you may know by now I'm extremely vague. Hopefully I can provide you with more details here. Please feel free to disregard anything I say here.
I love this pairing. Sex or not. My favorite part about these two is the D/s relationship between them that many fics seem to develop.
The Decemberists--"Hazards of Love"
I would like to see the Rake and his relationship with his children.
My other prompt deals with the Queen. William was very precious to her, and I doubt that she would take the loss well.
Tin Man
I requested D.G./Glitch because Ambrose is not an option. I never see this ship, yet it is really what I ship. When I prompted this, I had an AU romance fic where the Queen was never forced out and Ambrose never lost part of his brain. If you don't feel comfortable writing Ambrose, Glitch is perfectly fine.
Thank you for providing me with fic this season.
-Southern Heaven