I'm impressed if this is how you write when you are uninspired. It's beautiful in its simplicity and a subtle application of the topic.
As a writer, I can identify with that kind of stasis. The hardest part is waiting for the words to come and then sitting down to put them on paper or the screen.
It's so frustrating. Usually when I'm suffering in one writing aspect, I can switch to a different genre or writing environment and find something. Lateley I have just been dead in everything.
This is really quite well done. I love the imagery that the words create, yet, having the reader feel how you are feeling (um, not trying to be repetitive here).
Nice job of describing a dry period. Good luck with this piece. Also -- I hope it is the first step out to reconnecting with "the brilliant hues of a lifetime..."
Comments 7
This is a great entry, I'll definitely vote for you. I know you should be moving on to next week!
Please keep writing, whether you are inspired or not, this was just beautiful!
As a writer, I can identify with that kind of stasis. The hardest part is waiting for the words to come and then sitting down to put them on paper or the screen.
Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it!
Great read, and voted from me!
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