Well...it's been awhile. I've lost a friend or 2, and I don't blame them. I need to show up more often...but multitasking has never been my strong suit.
The last time I posted, I had signed up for a booth at a Christmas Arts and Crafts show. Well, I went through with it and made a few hundred bucks....didn't break even for what I put into it, of course, but I really wasn't expecting to my first time out. They say it takes a good year to really get in the groove. I don't know when I'll do it again, but I'd like to. I had a good response because a lot of my pics were local and they liked that. I do have other subjects though. Here's a pic or 2 of my booth. (remember, it's my first time)
Remember the lake behind my house? Well, the CNRR drained it to do some repairs to the pipes under their tracks. It looks awful! We're about 2 months into a 3 month job. There are a few deep pockets of water and our poor ducks and geese are wondering "what the hell?". They're getting fed lots of corn everyday so that they will stay put. I'll be glad when it's finally finished! The lake will be 100 years old in 2011. All the stumps that you see in the picture are 100 yr old pine!
I've been working on my family genealogy recently and actually found my great great & great great great grandfathers' graves. They are surrounded with old handmade brick and covered with engraved marble slabs. They need to be restored because many of the graves are in poor condition...but I don't even know where to begin.
Casey and Bailey were a delight to have together for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. They are just beautiful to me and funny as hell. Casey has one more semester to go and then she'll graduate from college and come back to Louisiana. She already has a job teaching! Bailey is a happy 7th grader who loves her friends, her phone, her electric scooter, and her Wii.
I've become addicted to recipe blogs. I was reading nemo's post about the recipes and thought I'd post my favorite links. All of these are very simple and straightforward...cuz I don't do "difficult".
http://tinamommyx3.blogspot.com/ http://mynew30.blogspot.com/ http://thesistersdish.blogspot.com/ http://sisterscafe.blogspot.com/ http://frantichomecook.com/ http://cinnamonspiceandeverythingnice.blogspot.com/ And I'm recently fascinated with "trash to treasure" blogs, tv shows, etc...
http://www.robomargo.com/trash.html http://www.junkcamp.blogspot.com/ Looking forward to seeing Ben in his new show!
See ya'll round!