Tuesday's photos (18 Dec) - Makes you feel merry

Dec 21, 2012 21:16

Gosh, lots of things make me feel merry. The first thought I had was stuff to do with Christmas (just because that's about the only time we use the word Merry anymore), but really, lots of things throughout the year make me happy, which is the same as merry. Let's see what pictures I can find to share with you ...

Playing with the cat on Christmas day - with the new toys out of her stocking, of course - that made me feel merry. Even just watching Chris play with her makes me feel merry.

Getting our first table made me feel EXTREMELY merry, let me tell you! I have no idea how I functioned without a table - it's just too important to me to have a proper table to eat at, and table space to work on projects at. Balancing shit on laps and working on the floor is for the birds!

Lee, our fishmonger, does this. The first time I saw it, I died laughing. I asked him why - he does it cause it makes the kids passing by laugh. I like Lee. More people should do stuff just because they or someone else gets a kick out of it. :-)

Last but certainly not least, feeding the ducks with Chris definitely makes me happy. :-) We did it again yesterday! No pictures, though - Chris held the umbrella while I tried to fend off the ones trying to eat us with bread. They were hungry! Not surprising, really - there's been a spate of lousy weather lately, so they won't be having the usual handouts, because sane people don't want to go out in this mess. Just us left then! ;-)

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