Well, trees. You're getting more than one, of course.
First, some of the trees in Scotland, all from our walk on the West Highland Trail. The middle one does, indeed, have a plush shark on that boat. Click on any image to see a larger version. :-)
Our Mardi Gras tree in 2010. I've just realized that we skipped it in both 2011 and 2012. Clearly we shall have to remedy that. Mardi Gras is on 13 Feb in 2013, so that's well before the trip we hope to take to the US, so we can. :-)
Our four Christmas trees, in chronological order - we celebrated Christmas 2009 again with each other once we were reunited in late January; Christmas 2010 is the second one; Christmas 2011 is the third one; this year's tree is on the far right. :-)
That's all you're getting for now - it's past our bedtime!
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