So i was in a great Christmas spirit mood earlier after helping out an elderly family friend and wanted to get the tree up but my fucking father in law killed it.
I was over their place and...
Me: Don't get us anything for Christmas
Him: I'm not but i expect a ton of stuff.
Me: Yeah we're not even getting each other anything for Christmas
Him: That's pathetic
Me: How is that pathetic? We don't need clothes and all we need is each other. Sorry we're not materialistic.
Him: *Tries to avoid the conversation by offering popcorn*
Me: Do you know where the Christmas ornaments are?
Him: In the shed but whats the point of putting up a tree if you're not getting anything...
After that i just walked out. I went to the shed for 5 mins and looked for the Christmas ornaments but after hearing how pathetic i was it lost all meaning. I just went back to the house feeling a little less guilty about avoiding them as much as i have been. I usually don't get upset and when i do i don't let people know but fuck...I feel pretty down now. I've been working hard and saving to get the hospital bill paid and feeling like I'm accomplishing something then to hear that.... blah.