[Mod Post 07] - Mod Inbox & Info

Oct 10, 2009 00:13


Although our basic information is listed in the main page of the community, this post will contain more information about the lot of us, and thus more ways for you to find a way to get into contact with us.

If you feel you need to contact any member of the moderation team, at any time, for any reason, please don't hesitate at all; we don't bite hard, we promise.

However, most of us go to post-secondary institutes full time, and work part time, so we won't always be online. Dropping us an email to the designated address would be your best chance, as we usually check it at least twice a day!

Alternatively, you can use this post, if you have personal questions and/or concerns about your playing, another player, etc. Simply leave a comment here, and we'll get back to your asap. Just be aware that comments, once answered, are no longer screened, so if it's something that may upset a fellow mun, then maybe email would be a better idea? Think before you type!


Name: Amie.
Age: Twenty.
Gender: Female.
Characters: Bebe Stevens & Lizzy McKormick.
Personal Journal: pyratesss.
Email: pyrateamie[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: Boys ala Radio
MSN: pyratesss@hotmail.com
Other Current Games: N/A.
Past Games: Listed here.

Name: Alpha.
Age: Twenty-three.
Gender: Female.
Characters: Eric Cartman & Stan Marsh.
Personal Journal: hieadenna.
Email: hieadenna[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: somatosensation
MSN: alphaslave@hotmail.com
Other Current Games: --TBA
Past Games: --TBA

Name: Rae.
Age: Twenty-three.
Gender: Female.
Characters: Kyle Broflovski, Leopold Stotch, & Henrietta Preiksa.
Personal Journal: covenmouse.
Email: raemarron[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: covenmice
MSN: --
Other Current Games: --TBA
Past Games: --TBA

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