I thought I would've ended up a little more centrist than this. But I think some of the questions are open to interpretation. Ex: What is the definition of "literate" in this context? Stuff like that. ( Read more )
I'm always surprised by these because I think of myself as a moderate-centrist, but often end up on the anarchy borderline of libertarianism. Hence "Radical Moderate"... =)
I took the test and wondered how a bunch of generalities and gray area questions could pin me down. Well, It didn't too bad, I guess. Social Liberal (65%), Economic Moderate (41%), and Centrist. The little "you are here" pin looked like it was mostly in the Democrat area to me. I always thought I was more of a Jeffersonian, but it turns out I'm more Ghandi than Jefferson. Who's have thought.
Comments 2
Tim C.
WDavid in Seattle
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