Title: Back Through Their Hell's Own Gate
Rating: R
Words: 6735
Notes: Title taken from Judas Priest's "Screaming for Vengeance." Also, this came out a lot more angstier than I orginally intended! How DOES that happen.
Summary: Sam learns the hard way that not all possessions they have to worry about are demonic.
Back Through Their Hell's Own Gate )
Comments 7
“As soon as you can actually stand on your own, I’m sure.”
“As-” Dean frowned. “Not the point. I need drugs. Start walkin’.”
“I’m sure they’re somewhere in your purse,” Sam said lightly, and pursed his lips together to keep from smiling so hard he was sure his face would crack in half.
“Your ass,” Dean growled. “Is so kicked.”
Slowly, one foot in front of the other, they made their way back together to the car.
The best part. *G* Awesome work hon.
Excellent stuff.
Favorite lines:
whoever the “Wahoo Killer” was (so dubbed by the locals in
Wahoo, Nebraska; Dean had had a field day with the name),
“Awesome,” Sam mumbled, sighing.
So chair it was, though he could barely sit still for all the churning in his gut, his body turned towards the bed, fingernails tapping a steady nervous rhythm on the scuffed wooden table beside him.
Not freaking out. Nope.
She looked up at Sam then, Dean’s eyes wide and glassy with unshed tears. “I didn’t really fall asleep, did I.”
This makes me ache for her.
“I don’t want to be dead,” she said into the bedspread.
Poor Leanne!
“Did you hear that?” Leanne said suddenly, locking on to point like a dog
Good analogy.
“I’m sure they’re somewhere in your purse,” Sam said lightly,
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