The "Classic's"

Mar 27, 2005 16:49

The education us kids receive these days. It's makes me sick. I feel ripped cause we never studied any of the old "classic" literature that so many other (should I say old? :P) people take for granted. I occasionally read where certain key figures get mentioned, and I think I really should read them, (and them- and them). I have many books where I've flagged pages of different authors who have been mentioned that I want to read (sometimes the same person flagged in more than one or two different books).

So I'm going to make an effort this year to expand my library to include a more.. rounded selection of books. The kind of books you see when you walk through the huge old libraries. Okay, they won't be the old gorgeous leather bound books, but the new versions I can buy in book stores, but I'll live.

This is a collection of authors/books/poems/plays I've always wanted to read, authors/books/poems/plays I've heard about and authors/books/poems/plays that have been recommended to me by others.

[x] Means I've read them before
[/] Means I've read some of their works (do I really need to explain my system? :P)
And I'm not going to bother marking the ones I've seen the movie of. Cause that don't count!

Updated Version:
[ ] Achebe, Chinua "Things Fall Apart"
[ ] Albee, Edward "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
[ ] Arabian Nights
[ ] Auden W.H.
[ ] Beckett, Samuel "Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts"
[ ] Beckford, William "Vathek"
[ ] Beowulf
[/] Blake, William
[ ] Bronte, Charolotte, Emilty etc
[ ] Byatt, A.S. "Possession"
[ ] Chaucer, Geoffrey "Canterbury Tales"
[ ] Conrad, Joseph "Heart of Darkness"
[ ] Conrad, Joseph "Lord Jim"
[ ] Dreiser, Theodore "An American Tragedy"
[ ] Eliot, T. S. "The Waste Land "
[ ] Ellison, Ralph "Invisible Man"
[ ] Faulkner, William "Absalom, Absalom!"
[ ] Faulkner, William "The Sound and the Fury"
[ ] Faulkner, William "Yoknapatawpha County"
[ ] Fitzgerald, F. Scott "The Great Gatsby"
[ ] Forster, E.M. "A Passage to India"
[ ] Franklin, Miles "My Brilliant Career"
[ ] Ginsberg, Allen "Howl and Other Poems"
[ ] Goethe, Johann "Faust"
[ ] Heller, Joseph "Catch 22"
[ ] Hemmingway,Ernest "Farewell To Arms"
[ ] Hemmingway,Ernest "Sun Also Rises"
[ ] H.D. "HERmione"
[ ] Homer "The Oddessy"
[ ] Huxley, Aldous "Brave New World"
[ ] James "The Portrait of a Lady"
[ ] John Dos Passos
[ ] Joyce, James "A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man"
[/] Joyce, James "Ulysses"
[ ] Kafka, Francz "Metamorphisis and other stories" (Investigation of a dog)
[ ] Kerouac, Jack "On the Road"
[ ] Kesey, Ken "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
[ ] Kipling, Rudyard "Kim"
[ ] Lawrence, D.H. "Sons and Lovers"
[ ] Lawrence D.H. "Women in Love"
[ ] Lao Zi "Tao Te Ching"
[ ] Lee, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird"
[ ] Le Fanu, Sheridan "Carmilla" (collection: "In a Glass Darkly")
[ ] Lessing, Doris May "The Golden Notebook"
[ ] Llewis, Matthew "The Monk"
[ ] Lowry, Malcolm "Under the Volcano"
[ ] Machiavelli, Nicollo "Il Principe"
[ ] Maguire, Gregory "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister"
[x] Maguire, Gregory "Wicked"
[ ] Mann, Thomas "Death in Venice and other stories"
[/] Milton, John "Paradise Lost" etc
[ ] Miller, Henry "Tropic of Cancer"
[ ] Mitchell, Margaret "Gone With the Wind"
[x] Moore, Thomas "Utopia"
[ ] More, Alan "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"
[ ] Morrison, Toni "Beloved"
[ ] Nabakov "Lolita"
[x] Niffenegger, Audrey "The Time Travelers Wife"
[ ] O'Neill, Eugene "Long Day's Journey into Night"
[ ] Orwell, George "1984"
[x] Orwell, George "Animal Farm"
[ ] Plato
[ ] Plutarch "Plutarch's Lives"
[ ] Rand, Ayn "Atlas Shrugged"
[ ] Radcliffe, Ann "The Mysteries of Udolpho"
[ ] Rhys, Jean "Wide Sargasso Sea"
[ ] Salinger, J.D. "The Catcher in the Rye"
[/] Shakespear, William
[ ] Shaw, Bernard "Pygmalion: A Romance in Five Acts"
[/] Shelley, Mary "Frankenstein"
[ ] Steinbeck, John "Grapes of Wrath, The" "East of Eden"
[ ] Stevenson, Robert Louis "Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde"
[x] Stoker, Bram "Dracula"
[ ] Sun Tzu "The Art of War"
[ ] Thomas, Dylan 1934-1952
[x] Tolkien, J.R.R. "The Lord of the Rings"
[ ] Vonnegut, Kurt "Slaughterhouse-Five"
[ ] White, T.H. "Once and Future King"
[ ] Whitman, Walt
[ ] Wilde, Oscar "House of Pomegranets"
[x] Wilde, Oscar "The Portrait of Dorean Gray"
[ ] Wilder, Thornton "Our Town: A Play in Three Acts"
[ ] Woolf, Virginia "To the Lighthouse" "Orlando"
[ ] Wright, Richard A. "Native Son"
[ ] Yeats, William Butler

I know there is a lot here. And it'd likely take me many years to read it all. But I just wanted to write them all down so I have a list of where to go. Things like Plutarch and Shakespear will especially take a while, but I can handle that :).
I'll print this list out in tiny writing then keep it in my wallet for when I go book shopping, then I can take my time reading. A lot of these books come with notes, and they're the ones I normally look for, otherwise I end up sticking flags on the pages I have to go and do research on later.

Anyone got any further suggestions?

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