Kiprovska, Mariya. The military organization of the Akıncıs in Ottoman Rumelia. 2004 It is clear that if the Ottoman Empire kept the voynuks and the Christian timariots for some time, it subordinated these institutions to its administrative and military structure. Thus, the similarities between the corps of yaya and müsellem on the one hand and the voynuks, on the other, are apparent. For example, to the terms like voynuk, lagator, baştina, which are typical for the voynuk organization in its pre-Ottoman existence, the Ottomans added terms like çeribaşı, ser-asker, gönder, yamak, and eşkünci. The müsellem çiftlik resembles the voynuk baştina a lot. And with the çiftlik, as it is with the baştina, the right of inheritance is wide. It goes to the one who stays in the müsellem corps from among the sons, brothers, or other relatives. In the organization of both corps the commanders in chief - yaya başılar within the yaya or müsellem corps, on the one hand, and lagators of the voynuks, on the other hand, received timars. In both corps the lowest levels were comprised of yamaks and candidates. The duties of the yamaks were the same in both organizations. Their number in both corps varies from 2 to 8 yamaks. The group of yamaks linked to a certain soldier (yaya, müsellem, or voynuk), was called in one and the same way - gönder. At the end, both corps had the same fate - from the line of battle they were given rear or transport services, after which they were dismissed, and the revenues of their possessions were given to the sipahi timars.
Насколько понимаю - при таких условиях службы броня была скорее "исключением", чем "правилом".
По поводу акынджи - есть документ 1472-го года, связанный со сбором румелийских акынджи для похода против Узун Хасана. Там акынджи предписано иметь "джебе" (панцирь). Другое дело - описанные в документе условия службы трактуются по-разному.
The Sultanic order, a copy of which is preserved in the beginning of the defter, was sent to the kadis, of Zağra Yenicesi, Akça Kazanlık, Eski Hisar, Filibe, Has Köy, and Çirmen. According to the decree, those kadis had to make an inventory of their provinces (vilâyete) in order to appoint akincis. Further, the exact manner in which the warriors should be registered is described. From each 30 households (hanes), 33 akçes were to be collected. The sum of 990 akçe was to be given for expenses to a certain mounted akıncı, who was to be appointed from each thirty-first household out of the Muslims and the Christians (Infidels).
От варианта, что это такая организация "очага", где на 1 "эшкинджи" приходится 30 "ямаков", до экстраординарного налога на райя в пользу акынджи, которых привлекали к войне на противоположном конце империи. Сама Кипровска пишет, что наличие у акынджи (которые первоначально были приграничными волонтерами-гази) системы "очагов" сомнительно.
Its members were neither ever organized in ocaks of 20 or 30 men, nor were a supported group of eşkincis, in its war preparations.
Служили акынджи (вторая половина 15 века и позднее) за освобождение от налогов и добычу. При этом в 16 веке они "по гражданскому роду занятий" не только земледельцы и скотоводы, но и торговцы и ремесленники в городах. Да и в дефтере Али Чауша упомянуты "очаги" и прочие "эшкинджи" у мюсселемов и юрюков, а вот у акынджи просто указана общая численность.
Далее - опять проблемы с переводом. У М.Кипровской.
The akıncı himself was ordered to have doldurma fiston[82] and a cuirass (cebe), and each ten persons (akincis) were obliged to have a tent.
82. Doldurma fiston - from piston (fr.)- iron stick for filling a rifle; and doldurmak (tr.) - to fill, to load firearm for the deeds.
Все хорошо, только это 1472 год, что делает любые отсылки к Франции и "пистонам" сомнительными.
Heath W. Lowry. Nature of the Early Ottoman State. 2003
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P.S. Дополнительно - Adrian Gheorghe. The Metamorphoses of Power. Violence, Warlords, Aḳıncıs and the Early Ottomans (1300-1450). 2023