Title: Just the same ash sky.
Disclaimer: Hetalia is not mine.
Paring: Alfred/Arthur and maybe some others later.
Warnings: Male/Male and the rating is for something just not yet though.
Genre: Romance.
Author notes: Nothing much but there are some things you may wonder after reading, so yeah it is supposed to left you wondering...
... )
Comments 8
I truly do like it, I'm just a bit confused and lost in a few things, lol
And about you doubts, no -the earth actually has passed that stage and now they exist as the block powers.
Yeah Arthur is having a child, that is not from Alfred but from another country...
I hope that helps!
Also confused. It's very fragmented, but I'm expecting for some things to be cleared in the next chapters? (yeah man, I'm here to stay and follow your updates!)
I have a few questions to ask tho...: the ring. Was Arthur and Alfred, at one point, married? You mentioned arranged marriage in the post in usxuk community. (and psst, generally readers coming from usxuk community don't like it when we click the link from there, and land on a non-usxuk fic, without warning. If you want to have any side-pairings, it must be mentioned in the warning. I learned this from my own experience)
Also, what's AEU? American European Union? Did it arise due to the shortage of resources?
I do like the beginning, too. I like Alfred's style of narrative, you got it down pat I think. And Matthew bro-mance, yeah. I think we just need more background context. And perhaps you may want to engage a beta-reader? I spotted some spelling mistakes, nothing serious.
Great job! Will be waiting for updates :)
Oh! I assure you no matter what, the story is a USA/UK (OTP) is just complicated and well they are going to have to deal with some heavy issues first -I wanted a story somehow different and no that easy-
I would love a beta -how do I get one Oo?!
Hopefully the updates will be here soon.
I will do my best!
Thanks for reading!
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