Here by way of your J/A fic, which I thoroughly enjoyed, BTW. I tend to agree with your assessment of Jeff/Annie on the show. The fun is in the dance, so to speak. And since Dan Harmon has said outright that the show won't go the Jim/Pam route, any RST wouldn't happen until the end of the show anyway. Which is fine by me. As much as I love J/A, I love the group even more.
but what I'd really like to see is Annie kind of growing a lady pair and taking her amazing qualities on down the road to some other guy, and Jeff realizing he can't get over her and finally stepping up to be the guy she deserves.THIS. Annie should find herself a good guy and build up a bit more confidence in the romance department. She deserves a nice relationship with a guy who will treat her right and some more experience will, I think, help wear down Jeff's resistance
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Hey, thanks for stopping by :) I hope you liked the fic!
I have to admit I'm still new in this fandom, so I didn't realize Dan had actually said they weren't going to go the Jim/Pam route. GOOD. I love this show, and the study group, and the last thing I want is for it to become some incestuous date-fest, with lots of different pairings and whatnot. I mean, I would love to see them all keep dating people outside the group. Jeff and Britta hooking up at this point is a little too icky for me even... but Jeff and Annie have undeniable chemistry, and that needs to be continued to be explored, in the most hilarious and non-sitcom-y way possible. :)
I can't wait to see what will happen in the finale! It was so hard to watch "A Fist Full of Paintballs" knowing it was only 22 minutes, and we would have to wait an entire week for the resolution -- and then an entire summer for the next season. Oh well, hopefully it'll produce a lot of good fic!
I like your opinions, and probably you as a whole. However, as a Joel McHale fan who lives in exotic Mexico (actually, just 2 hours away from the border), I can never forgive you for pulling a Troy there ; ^; *wants a McHug*
Thanks! I'm really in love with Community as a whole, and Jeff and Annie especially. But it's like being in love with brownies. They're delicious but in no way good for you -- Jeff and Annie being together would probably read really weirdly on TV. But in fic, it's a totally different matter! :)
I am really regretting the decision not to go. I guess I could still buy a ticket and drive down there, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm torn between wanting to keep the image I have of Joel in my head for as long as possible, and being in the same room with him. Even if it's a really, really large room! haha
Oooh exotic Mexico, that's cool. One of my college roommates actually moved to Mexico to be with the "love of her life," about six years ago, and she still lives there and loves it! Thanks so much for reading and commenting -- want to be friends? :)
Yeah... their chemistry and the writers are amazing tho... who knows? Maybe they could do something awesome with that... Not to forget, Alison and Joel's acting gives the characters a dimension that can't always be achieved on paper... and they're cuter than Jim and Pam (I've only watched the first two seasons of the office, but Jam never gave me the "OH MY GOD I NEED THEM TO HAVE SEX NOW!!" feeling I get from Jeff and Annie
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Comments 5
Here by way of your J/A fic, which I thoroughly enjoyed, BTW. I tend to agree with your assessment of Jeff/Annie on the show. The fun is in the dance, so to speak. And since Dan Harmon has said outright that the show won't go the Jim/Pam route, any RST wouldn't happen until the end of the show anyway. Which is fine by me. As much as I love J/A, I love the group even more.
but what I'd really like to see is Annie kind of growing a lady pair and taking her amazing qualities on down the road to some other guy, and Jeff realizing he can't get over her and finally stepping up to be the guy she deserves.THIS. Annie should find herself a good guy and build up a bit more confidence in the romance department. She deserves a nice relationship with a guy who will treat her right and some more experience will, I think, help wear down Jeff's resistance ( ... )
I have to admit I'm still new in this fandom, so I didn't realize Dan had actually said they weren't going to go the Jim/Pam route. GOOD. I love this show, and the study group, and the last thing I want is for it to become some incestuous date-fest, with lots of different pairings and whatnot. I mean, I would love to see them all keep dating people outside the group. Jeff and Britta hooking up at this point is a little too icky for me even... but Jeff and Annie have undeniable chemistry, and that needs to be continued to be explored, in the most hilarious and non-sitcom-y way possible. :)
I can't wait to see what will happen in the finale! It was so hard to watch "A Fist Full of Paintballs" knowing it was only 22 minutes, and we would have to wait an entire week for the resolution -- and then an entire summer for the next season. Oh well, hopefully it'll produce a lot of good fic!
I am really regretting the decision not to go. I guess I could still buy a ticket and drive down there, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm torn between wanting to keep the image I have of Joel in my head for as long as possible, and being in the same room with him. Even if it's a really, really large room! haha
Oooh exotic Mexico, that's cool. One of my college roommates actually moved to Mexico to be with the "love of her life," about six years ago, and she still lives there and loves it! Thanks so much for reading and commenting -- want to be friends? :)
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