You existance offends me!
MSU all must parrish!
Ahhhh!!! Please! No!!!
Strange electronic machine! Feel the wrath of my stick of...
Wait! I am intrigued and amused!
Give me the handheld device!
Ooohh...PSO!...of DOOM!!!
Ok. Back to the carnage.
1, 8, 2? Damnit. 3, 9, 4...fuck!
6...1...stick of DOOM!!!
I am shining my title!
I am now the champion!
...of DOO-oooofff!!! WHAM!
(random wrestling move)...of DOOM!!!
I have reclaimed my title as the champion of The WWE DOOM?!
I feel a strange power from the stick...of DOOM!!!
No...must fight...urge to...destroy!!!
First campus...
...then the WORLD!!!