we have been in a pointless war for 3 years. and what has this war accomplished? nothing; we're wasting time on nothing. there are more important things to be dealing with right now than what goes on in Iraq. i'm not one for politics so i don't know much about the war but i know a few facts. i still have an opinion on it regardless. (maybe when i
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Comments 3
war bad. me hate war.
i think bush is trying to earn points with his dad; you know how everything bush senior succeeded at, junior failed at...so now he's trying to make up for it by finishing the one thing his dad left undone. at least, so goes one theory i have heard, which made reasonable good sense to me.
and somewhere i have a very funny picture of bush talking... "we shell not exon-erate..." i forget the rest, basically it replaces all the words with gas station logos.
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