Dec 12, 2007 13:25

So apparently, there is...a shooting? It was near this elementary school that's...pretty close to us? IDK the details. D: But yeah. Dragged my tired butt outta bed and got to school only to be shooed out by this weird secretary lady I've never seen before. She was all waving her arms and flailing around screaming "NO SCHOOL. CODE RED. GO HOME!" XDD My first reaction? "DAD COME BACKKK~!!!" I wasn't up for slipping walking home, too icy.

It must have been a pretty funny thing to see for those onlookers. Some cars were honking at us and telling us to go to school (cause we were all crowded on the sidewalk). XD Honestly, we're waiting to go home, out in the open, where we can get shot. LOL *kicked* All in all, a pretty funny morning. Honestly, there's like other schools that are WAYYY closer to the shooting site then our school, and those students are still in school. ^^;; Oh well. BUT YA KNOWW. I'm kinda cheesed. I stayed up so freaking late working on my reports and assignments AND finished them just to come home with the same pile of work I've been staring at all night. *stabs*

Anyways, I'm suparr suppar bored. even though I'm supposed to be studying for a chem test WE'LL JUST IGNORE THE STUPID ASSIGNMENTS OKAY~?!! ♥ Someone rec me some good dramas. I finally have SPACE again on my computer XDD Must kill it again now 8DD

and erm...regarding the Christmas cards...they might be a....tad bit late cos I totally fail like that... *hides* I'M SORRY~! ><;;

ugh. what a boring day.

i hate science, i suck at tagging, boredom eats me

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