Apr 07, 2008 14:49

Doctor Who

You know, I don't consider myself a rabid shipper. Which is why I feel really stereotypical being a Rose fan and feeling kind of "meh" about Martha. I love Donna. THE CHARACTER. However, I really think the actress for her falls flat on bits. That part where she pretends to think he wants to 'mate' with her was just painful. It wasn't funny the way she did it. It was a GREAT joke, something I would do probably, but the actress just didn't do it for me. That being said, I really appreciate that The Doctor finally fucking is traveling with an adult his ageish and not some prepubescent teenage girl. It's an exaggeration, but seriously. I want someone who can point out what an awful hypocrite or morally unsound person (ha) he is sometimes. I think Donna's going to do that. More than that, I think she'll do that without romanticizing him but while still wanting to take care of him in a way. So, yay. I'm excited to see more of her.

Best part between them, bar none, was when they were mouthing silently to eachother.

Best part period, bar none, was when Rose turned around. Holy fuck. I am SO GLAD I was not spoiled for that. Oh my god. It was the big redeeming feature of the episode - that and the mouthing made me actually positive about it all. That and that I think I'll like Donna if the actress can pull it together a little.

However (and I know this is stating the obvious, especially about a BBC production), it was so cheesy I could barely get through some parts. I largely blame the music for this. IT WAS AWFUL. AWFUL. BAR NONE THE WORST BACKGROUND MUSIC TO ANY TELEVISION SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN. It was ridiculous. It made everything seem SRZ BZNS when it really didn't need to be that fire and brimstone/dramatic in the music department. It completely ruined my enjoyment of most of it. The only music that really did it for me was the music played as Rose walked away. It gave me chills.

I mean, Doctor Who is kind of ridiculous in the first place (just as, I freely admit, my beloved Robin Hood is) but that music was inexcusable. As was a lot of the plot in the episode. I don't know. I found it TOO over the top, if that makes sense. I rolled my eyes a lot which, obviously, it takes a lot for me to do.

I'm also kind of done with Tennant. I never really liked him too much, but now I just want to kick him constantly. I don't know what it is, really, just a smal annoyance.

I loved the little Adipose, though. They were creepy and cute all at the same time.

Other than that, I don't know.

So, yeah, I'm actually pretty excited for the rest of the season. I think I'll love Donna more and more, the Rose thing will keep me on my toes and hopefully at the end of the season Tennant will go bye-bye. A girl can dream :D


Oh. My God.

So, agreement with the Aurora Avatarythingy Theory is kind of reinforced. At least, it hasn't been blown out of the water yet.

I love Kara more and more but I don't think that threatening Roslin with a gun is going to do much good. That being said, YOU GO, KARA. I LOL'd when Kara said she'd kill Anders and I love that Lee doesn't care if she's a Cylon.

Thing is, I think Kara and Anders are just good as friends. She loves/loved him a lot, but I'm not sure it's in that amazingly special romantic way. ...and Kara/Lee are not to be, I think, though I do not dislike the pairing or anything. They are great friends and I am all for the friends with benefits thing. Hoorah!

However, ultimately, I'm with Katee herself when I say that I think her and Leoben would be the best for eachother. I don't know, I mean, I ship Kara/EVERYONE, so I'm really not all that choosy but I do love Leoben for the same reasons Katee said he would be the best for her.

Everyone else seems to make her so self-destructive.

As for the episode, it was great. I can't wait to see what's up with his hallucination of Six, if there is some big One God/Lords Of Kobol show off of faith or what. Exciting stuff, peoples.

And then next week? The lobotomy thing? EXCITING.

I am just so in love with BSG that rational thought does not come to me.

tv: doctor who, tv: bsg

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