Summary Claims for Artists AND Mixers!

Jun 15, 2011 19:53

Yes, here they finally are! :) Thank you to everyone who managed to get their work in on time. We have a great selection of fiction :D

Here's how it's going to work...

To claim a summary, please do so in the following way:

eg if I were claiming

#1 - Art (YOUR e-mail)


#1 - Mix (YOUR e-mail)

If you have signed up to be and artist AND a mixer, please only claim for one media AT THE MOMENT. I will open up double claims and oppertunites for people to do art as well as mixes once everything has been claimed for something.

If a summary has been bolded, it has been claimed for art!

If a summary is in italics, it has been claimed for a mix!

If a summary is bolded AND in italics, then it has been claimed for both and is (at the moment) no longer available for claiming!

fandom: Leverage
pairings: Eliot Spencer/Alec Hardison
rating: FRM
warnings: none

summary: A normal week on the good starship Leverage: the Leverage crew has just finished a job, and all should be well, if Parker wasn't acting strange - stranger than usual. Hardison investigates, but he did not expect what he found out (oh, hell, no).

fandom: Harry Potter
pairings: Harry/Hermione/Ron
rating: R
warnings: slavery

summary: H1 is on the slave ship Privet when a giant race of aliens take the ship and free H1 and the rest from the slave driver Dursleys. They’re then sorted between four supposedly free ships and assured a good life. Of course nothing is ever that easy, and H1 -renamed Harry by friends- finds himself fighting to make sure everyone is safe. A outer space retelling of Philosopher’s Stone.

fandom: Sports RPF
pairings: Xavier Bertoni/Kevin Rolland (French freeskiers and best friends)
rating: R
warnings: post-apocalyptic setting/minor character death

summary: Xavier and Kevin grew up together, as best friends and boyfriends. The world is falling apart around them and they must move to an habitat orbiting Earth in order to survive.

fandom: Star Trek TOS and Enterprise
pairings: Gen; Concentrates on Spock with past Trip/T'pol
rating: PG-13
warnings: Minor spoilers for the last season of Enterprise

summary: Spock is preparing to apply to the Star Trek academy, but before he does he has to come to grips with his hybrid heritage with the help of Chris Pike and T'pol.

fandom: Hey Arnold!
pairings: Arnold/Helga, Rhonda/Nadine
rating: PG-13
warnings: suicide

summary: Arnold is a Captain who just wants to help people. When he comes across a shipwreck survivor named Helga, he realizes this is someone who genuinely needs his help. But as he and his crew begin to learn, Helga is not an easy woman to reach.

fandom: Original
pairings: -
rating: PG-13
warnings: None.

summary: Out on the edges of the great Empire, caught between warring nations, small ships with ragtag crews make their living finding whatever work they can. Lee and his crew and intelligent ship thought they were taking a simple transport run. They thought wrong.

fandom: bandom
pairings: Ray/ Frank, Frank/Jamia (not infidelity), Mikey/Gerard, Patrick/Pete/Ashlee
rating: nc17
warnings: pot use, incest

summary: When Ray Toro -a Normal destined to stay on Earth for the rest of his life- finds out that the government has sold him to an Other without so much as asking, he is highly unimpressed. He quickly changes to agreeable once he finds out that before he can be married, he must visit each other territory, and learn as much as he can from the Specials there. Surely eight weeks of real living is worth the end price, right?

fandom: The Sentinel
pairings: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
rating: mature
warnings: none really. This is a space opera, bonding fic, sentinel and guide future fic.

summary: This story is part of the A Glimmering from Afar series. That series should be read first.

In the far future, the Hundred Worlds have a strict class division that bastard Blair Sandburg is determined to challenge. Being a convicted drug dealer of Yana doesn't make that easy, Now
Blair's resourcefulness is about to be tested when Jim learns the truth behind the attack that killed his shipmates years ago.

fandom: Sherlock/The Nightjar
pairings: mostly gen
rating: R
warnings: horror, minor character death, implied major character death

summary: John wakes alone and abandoned on a completely dead spaceship and must figure out a way to safety -- and which of his senses he can trust.

Fandom: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, The Used
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, slight Frank/Jepha, Bob/Ray, Brendon/Spencer, Mikey/Alicia
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, Violence, Minor Character Death, Sexual Content, Mild D/S Relationship

Summary: Homosexuality is a crime on Earth. When Frank is found with his ex-boyfriend, he's sent to a spaceship by the name of 'The Destorya' to serve out his punishment. The events that take place on the ship are more than he could have ever imagined happening to him.

fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis/Battlestar Galactica/Space Above and Beyond
pairings: Lorne/Dualla. John/Teyla/Rodney (implied), Ronon/Amelia (implied), other possibly
rating: R
warnings: situational violence, AU

summary: Two separate powerful wormhole events strand the crews of the Galactica and the Saratoga in the Pegasus galaxy, their only hope for survival lies in the hands of an independent Atlantis colony whose new mission is to helping the people in Pegasus move forward as the shadow of the Wraith recedes. Efforts to send the ships back to where they came from is thrown into chaos when Earth is attacked. Will Atlantis and her new allies find a way to help?

fandom: Hockey
pairings: Keith/Seabrook as the main...others involved
rating: Slight R
warnings: Slash

summary: Duncan Keith wakes up to a world he doesn't know. Everything is completely different and he has to learn what goes on in the everyday life of Lieutenant Keith. How can he make it through when this isn't his life? His life was hockey. This definitely isn't hockey.

fandom: Based out of RTD era Doctor Who/Torchwood*
pairings: Jack/Ianto
rating: R
warnings: Violence, mentions of torture, male/male action
*A/N: This story is a sequel to the in-progress (nearing conclusion) 'You Can't Be Here' --which looks to fix certain holes in the RTD DW-universe. This story is meant to take place in a universe which does its best to conform to the Whoniverse, but is largely original--the only two characters featured in this story from BBC and RTD are Jack and Ianto.

summary: Recently re-awakened Time Lord, Vivian, a.k.a. the Peacemaker, has just started traveling with her new companions Amanda Redding--a human from the 78th century, and Ianto Jones--back from the dead and given a Time Lord body by the Doctor's TARDIS. Vivian recieves a phone call from an old associate. A piece of Time Lord technology has fallen into his hands, and, for a favor, he'll hand it over to her. Vivian goes to investigate, leaving her two companions to explore the 43rd century space station without her.

And who does Ianto happen to find? None other than Captain Jack Harkness, of course. Only this Jack's two thousand years older than the one Ianto fell in love with on Earth. Despite outward appearances, is Jack really that different? And what does he and his crew have planned?

The human civilization is on the brink of civil war between the homeworlds and the colonies and the events of Space Station 7638 in the next day could spark a war that will devestate too many innocent lives. Can the time-traveling trio stop a catastrophe? And does Captain Jack have anything to do with what will happen?

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