
Apr 21, 2005 20:00

Honestly, I can’t say I’m too sad at the prospect of leaving this school. Actually - I would have to say I’m ecstatic. However I really will miss many of the people that I have met here and become friends with over the past three years. I really do hope (and intend) to stay in touch (, 07793890309).
Hopefully I will have a good time for the next two years at St John’s and likewise I hope everyone staying at CLFS or going elsewhere for sixth form has a great time. I have many fond memories (OH how I will miss good old Set 3A and the legendary ‘Team Retard’) and incidents such as the infamous ‘Apple Juice’ and ‘Bunsen Burner’ comments spring to mind.
Classic one liners such as ‘Do you get taller when you are pregnant’ (Thanks to Charlie Baylis) and ‘Don’t chickens have four legs?’ (errr credit to myself for that one!)?! I’ll miss the countless notes on my back during physics lessons with ‘H-Dawg’.Barett’s many tantrums, Nells ‘real’ tears every Chemistry Lesson and Chemistry lessons in general (The fun!!)
The drama at CLFS is outstanding and that is one of the few things I am really sad to leave behind, this year I was lucky enough to be in the 150th Mask/Mime celebration, Business of Good Government (Myself, Nell and Daria - the three most unconvincing Liverpudlian biblical shepherds ever!) and the one-week Panto - Aladdin (Jimmy and his improvisational skills!) and Our final GCSE devised Piece (Best group ever!). I wish everyone who is continuing with Drama the best of luck in the business!
Sports lessons at CLFS will be greatly missed (Ha!) Especially two years of forced hockey lessons in the blistering cold in tiny stupid games skirts - With the oh-so-charming games teacher (of which I was of course a favourite…)!!!
The sixth form balls (which the upper fives all attend?) have always been a laugh and a great place to socialise… (I shan’t comment on the music!) The image of Michael Barrett and my boyfriend (after a few-too many Aftershocks) table dancing is one that will stay with me forever. The house parties and ‘gatherings’ have always been fun; usually resulting in one (or four) people passed out/being sick and annoying neighbours threatening to call the police (…usually mine!) - Ooooh to be a teenager!
Finally, once again I wish everyone the best of luck in whatever they decided to do with their lives and hopefully I’ll stay in touch with most of you.
Tom Mckee- You actual legend, you are my best friend in the whole world (and future husband!=p) Your always there for me even though you’re the strangest boy ALIVE I love you! John - Original Set3A member, One of my first amazing friends at CLFS and my very own Love Doctor, I owe you so much! Holloway- English!!! The Trouncenator, Our shopping trips to Guildford and your OBSESSION with trainers + Mental hair - I will never forget! Barretto - Another original 3A!Once you realised that I wasn’t about to curse you we became legend friends! You’re the funniest and nicest guy I know and you’ve always been there! Thank-you! Ollie- Only recently became good mates with you but the number of times you’ve given me AMAZING advice! Thank-you! Good luck with LucyLou! Shabs- ‘Party aspect’ - since then, the HOURS we have spent with our deep conversations amazes me!! I wish you luck in your quest for the perfect hair and with the lovely Char! Deli-Activities Weekend buddies! First boyfriend! Maths+English buddy! Bloody hell so much stuff, basically - you rule dude!! Felix&Matt- U5H2 Mornings! -Taking the piss outta me, RANDOM convos about pigeons, Matt’s songs, German!! Felix’s MCFLY obsession! Jimmy - Known you 4EVER,Danes Hill buddy!+3A buddy+Best Drama Group ever buddy!! Braham- We Will Rock You!All Our gossipy conversations,150TH MASK THING(the fun!) you rule! Best of luck at Laines-You’re going places boy! Anders/Ross: Ross you just, you just rule! Social science buddy! Anders, another s.s buddy- thanks for 2 years worth of gum!!! xx

Chessie,Ruth,Emily- DH Crew! Known you all for ages,going to school with two of you. Too many HYSTERICAL memories to name them all. Your all great! Sophie-Hey Kiddo, LJ SISTAS Lol! Msn convos ‘til the wee hours Original Set 3A + Maths buddy! You’re a legend soph! Nell - ‘It was a snake that bit me’! 3A +Maths buddy….and who has fed me for the last 3 years!! Lucy and Jemma = absolutely gorgeous! Naz- Retard Maths buddy! ‘Wicked’ ‘Im doing it, Im kissing it,,,etc’ -your picture messages! Emma- 150th Mime(waay!) Life of any party! Has the nicest hair EVER. I’ll be watching out for you on TV!! xx

My mum says its risky my comment about the Games Teachers but pfffft it's not a school year book, it's done by us!! They can think what they like i couldn't care less, I am honest!

Ooo and we had like charlotte did and sophie mentioned, a load of catagories and I won:

Best Actress:
Jennie Morgan

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