mweh, fsha, hmmm.

Mar 28, 2006 21:23

Oh boy, batten down the hatches, the time is right for battening.

First, papers should really be considered paper, I have one due soon in Eastern European history. Shouldn't be too bad, but I have proven time and time again that I don't exactly exude poise when exegesis is in order. I should be cool though, I CAN DO IT!(last sentence to be said in a decidedly poor latin accent)

Knocking boots = knocked up in the animal kingdom. I should have heeded the words of Bob Barker. Evidentally, the area around my house is like a Club Med or a Sandals resort for cats. My lump of fuzz has revoked her cool cat status almost as soon as she got it. I came home yesterday to find Alexis to be the bearer of bad news. She told me that the cat was playing two player double-dragon with another feline of the male persuasion. If only my ooophamism joke could pan out well in printed word. So, I guess I am going to be a dad, or at least a surrogate dad. I haven't decided how to handle this situation. I could let my cat go through with catbirth, but then I have to deal with giving kittens away, or I could have my cat spayed, which would kill the kitties in her belly. I don't like the prospect of giving cats away too well. I find that I get pretty attached to them pretty quickly, with the exception of the current cat, who has managed to give her critique of Amelie in the form of urination and made my head ache with drycleaning bills, not to mention has been an immense bitch up until last week. The other option has me killing the potential for maximum cuddles. So, I find myself at a quandry, and seeking opinions from the rest of you.

Ok, the last but most definetly not the least of my worries: My parents called to tell me that they are visiting, and they are bringing my brother. At first, I thought it would be cool, you know, see the fam, get some groceries, get stuffed like a tick at some chain restaurant that I am not all that big on. Then I realized that my brother is coming out. I wondered about this, and decided to ask my mom. He is going BACK to IRAQ. Ok, although I have had some issues with my brother in the past (he is excessively religious, I am not in the slightest) he is still my brother, and I do love a brother. He went once before and it was enough cause for concern. He didn't like it. AND NOW HE IS GOING BACK TO IRAQ! Money will do funny things to a man, and the need of money will take those funny things that are being done and magnify them X's by like a thousand. So, he is risking his neck to pay off some debt so he can go back to seminary in the fall. I wish Halliburton or whichever arm of the octopus hadn't latched on to him. I have no way of telling him how fucking pissed I am right now. No way.

Thats it, I'm ranting, I need to get off and study some espanol. I should say, that other than all of this, life is pretty damn good right now.
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