Go figure, I actually have something I want to blog about. I guess it's a good thing I have this blog lying around, then!
Two hits of 10x salvia, packed in two slides, for my convenience. I did this alone, because I didn't quite understand the value of a sitter. Not the best decision, but not the worst, necessarily. I took the first hit, held the fucker in, and as I started loading in the second slide, my vision kind of started to warp. I looked down and saw like another world. My hand was on the bong neck, the other slide was on the ground and burnt matches were lying about, I barely managed to light the second hit. It is worth nothing that I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld recently. So when I'm losing reality at the bong, trying to make heads or tails of things, part of what convinced my that illusion was reality was... well it wasn't voices, and it was more just like thoughts shooting around my head. But it was like Seinfeld characters were present. I remember thinking George and Elaine were around and that my bong/floor et al were New York. And I remember I'd do something like move the slide around, and that would make the vision not make a lot of sense, but in the end, I decided that that scene was more real than the nagging awareness of reality in the background and that I should go forward with my self and my actions in this reality. I decided to do... I don't even know what, but in reality this involved me just tipping the bong over. It spilled for a second before I realized what I was doing.
This snapped my concentration back into reality, and I started kind of flipping out. I was still high, but I didn't quite realize how out of it I was. I tried to lie in bed, as I'd heard you want to be comfortable, but I just couldn't get so. All these salvia discomforts were hitting me, and spilling the bong made me feel like a screw-up so I had some of that going in my head. I didn't realize that I was still high as shit and actually felt concerned; this was barely quelled by the argument of 'this is only a drug, you will be okay relatively quickly.' My trips usually don't get to that point, and when they do, I usually have an easier time talking myself down. So that was interesting!
I got up and started cleaning up my mess, I put away the slides and the bong and the matches and I cleaned up the spill... During this I was still high and kind of uncomfortable. Cleaning helped me collect my self a little bit, but I was still out of sorts. I took off my clothes (they were making me uncomfortable) and put on Ben Folds. Best Imitation of Myself was the first good one to come on, and the piano comforted me where I felt shaken and helped me feel calm as I began to sober up. I typed up about half of this with it fresh in my mind, listened to the Bitch Went Nuts, and was completely sober by the time it was done.
So, uh, I learned a few things. I probably don't need two hits, a sitter is a nice idea, etc etc. I felt shitty during the trip, I felt like I'd screwed it up and just didn't understand what I was feeling like, I had absolutely no desire to do it ever again... but as soon as I sobered up, I took about a 180. Even though I was flipping out, I really enjoy what I got from the trip, and definitely plan on doing more... albeit a bit more responsibly.