Playtime and giggles..

Dec 04, 2005 10:28

SO Snow. Thursday. It snowed a bunch. I played, I laughed, I giggled. I threw snow balls, went on a walk with abby, (michaels oldest little cousin, shes nine) Spent the night at michaels. Played in the snow friday morning. Michael completly white washed me. lol. I felt ten again. It was great ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

xnlyindreams December 5 2005, 04:22:45 UTC
I don't know what it is with boys when they think that dirty and/or sweaty and/or baggy-clothes wearing girls are sexy. Weirrrrd dudes, hehe. Maybe that's the secret to why we don't get the right guys. We always try to look pretty, and instead we should be walking around, sweaty, dirty, and in our PJs, lol.


stuart__ December 5 2005, 05:42:12 UTC
You finally figured it out!


xnlyindreams December 5 2005, 19:29:47 UTC
I love you, you dork <333


spacegnome December 7 2005, 00:54:40 UTC
lmfao. well that is how i met michael. all grundged up, sleepy looking, and dirty. and I caught him.

thats pretty funny.


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