
Feb 26, 2006 11:24

Fragebogen, von wide_ocean geklaut und teilweise übersetzt bekommen. :-)

[x] You have been in a play
[ ] You have seen more than 10 Broadway shows
[x] You have been or are in school shows/plays
[ ] Your current/last job involves theater in some way
[ ] You want to end up working in/for theater (irgendwie wär's nett, aber mein Traum ist es nicht unbedingt)
[ ] You break out into random songs whenever
[x] You are classified as "weird"
Total [3]

[x] You wear hoodies (hab sie schon mal öfter getragen, aber ich mag sie immer noch)
[ ] You like soft music
[ ] People don't understand you
[ ] You write your own poems
[ ] You have dyed your hair red, black or dark
[x] You cut your own hair (naja, seeehr selten)
[x] You are lonely (eigentlich nicht, aber ich fühl mich öfters so)
[ ] 'Ohio is for Lovers' by Hawthorne Heights is a good song
Total [3]

[ ] You act ghetto
[ ] You wear do-rags
[ ] You like hip-hop
[ ] Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world
[ ] You believe he's alive
[ ] You like afro's or have one
[ ] You have said "Fo Shizzle"
[ ] You like to dance
[ ] You own any Baby Phat or G-Unit
Total [0]

[ ] You wear glasses
[ ] You use an inhaler
[x] You stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets (Stifte schlepp ich schon ab und zu in der Jacken- oder Hosentasche mit ... mit dem Resultat, dass ich sie danach tagelang nicht wiederfinde)
[x] Your mom picks out your clothes (ähm, ich sag's mal so: meine Mutter kauft mir ab und zu Klamotten, weil ich nicht soviel Geld hab)
[x] You are on the computer often
[ ] You look forward to going to school (das müsst ja heißen, dass ich grad traurig bin, dass Ferien sind ... nee, nicht wirklich!)
[ ] You are shy around the opposite sex (glaub ich bin bei Frauen manchmal scheuer)
[x] You play video games
Total [4]

[ ] You wear black eyeliner
[ ] Most of your clothing is dark
[ ] You think about death
[ ] You want to die
[ ] You are a social outcast
[ ] You are pale (bin zwar nicht braungebrannt, hab aber meistens rote Backen *g*)
[ ] You like Hot Topic
[ ] You enjoy Tim Burton movies
[ ] You are mean sometimes
Total [0]

[ ] Your hair is long (Lang ist relativ, meine sind schulterlang)
[x] You own a tye-dye shirt (ist mir aber mittlerweile zu klein)
[x] You want to save the animals
[x] You think war is unnecessary
[x] You like classic rock and trippy music
[ ] You have participated in a protest
[x] You have been overcome with a desire to hug a tree
Total [5]

[ ] You own a lot of Nike, Adidas, or underarmor
[x] You love the smell of fresh cut grass (bin ich froh, dass ich kein Heuschnupfen hab!)
[ ] You are constantly worrying about being in shape
[ ] You let people know its game day by yelling it through the halls
[ ] You play 2 or more sports (mir macht Skifahren Spaß und ich wollte anfangen zu laufen ... aber beim Skifahren hab ich mir den Fuß verstaucht, aber vielleicht kann ich das ja demnächst wirklich ankreuzen)
[ ] You know a lot of people just from playing a team sport
[x] You love grass stains and mud. (Manchmal bekomm ich Lust, in den Matsch zu springen. *g*)
[ ] A whistle blowing pumps your adrenaline
[ ] You're very school spirited
Total [2]

[ ] You like shades of pink
[x] You are hardly seen in shorts
[ ] You spend more than $100 for just a haircut
[ ] You wear business shoes out of work hours
[ ] You have suit jackets that aren't for work
[ ] You like to stand out
[ ] You have pin strip shirts and pants
[ ] People sometimes think you're queer
Total [0]

[ ] You are single
[ ] You read fan fiction
[ ] You like to cosplay (costume play) or think of cosplaying
[ ] You own more than 10 things of a specific fandom
[ ] You have fandom inspired posters on your wall
[ ] You have heaps of things of one sort
[ ] You go on image forums/boards
[ ] You fantasise having sex with your favourite character/s
Total [0]

[x] You say the word "like" (Weil ich deutsch bin, eher sowas wie "Ähm" und "also" und "hmm")
[ ] You shop at Hollister/Abercrombie & Fitch
[ ] You pop the collar
[ ] The people in Hot topic scare you
[ ] The only nerd you like is Seth Cohen
[ ] You watch LAGUNA BEACH
[ ] You like pop music
[ ] You have a dog
Total [1]

[ ] You have a couch in your front yard or porch
[ ] You drive a four-wheeler
[ ] You ride four-wheelers
[ ] You like to get dirty in mud
[x] You like country music (schon einiges)
[ ] You have a broken car in your backyard
[ ] You own a cowboy hat
[ ] You live on more then 1 acre
[ ] You have more then 4 different animals at your home
Total [1]

[ ] You can skateboard
[ ] You wear Vans
[ ] You do stupid stuff with your friends
[ ] You have many piercing's
[ ] You wear a mohawk or find mohawks hott
[ ] You wear Band T-shirts
[ ] You have watched the XGames
[ ] You have called someone a poser recently
Total [0]

[ ] You can surf
[ ] You wear flip flops year-round
[ ] Your hair is shaggy
[ ] You wake up before 6 every morning (ja, aber nur weil die nebenan immer eine laute Weckzeremonie machen *argh*)
[ ] You own Many pairs of shorts
[x] You yearn for the smell of salt water
[x] You want to be at the beach right now
[ ] You hate tourists.
Total [2]

Tja, bin wohl eine Mischung aus Hippie und Geek ... hab auch sowas ähnliches erwartet.
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