Title: Tu Scendi (You Descend from the Stars)
Author name/LJ name: sisterspooky
Pairing request: River/Jayne
Author Notes: As a first time Firefly fanfic writer, let it be noted that I am so very frightened writing for the lovely sisterspooky. She is a goddess, and I hope she enjoys this. The inspiration was taken from a traditional Italian Christmas carol that has been sung at my local church for over one hundred years.
Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle
O Re del cielo
E vieni in una grotta al freddo al gelo
O Bambino, mio divino, Io ti vedo qui a tremar
O Dio Beato
Ahi quanto ti costo l’avermi amato
You descend from the stars
O king of heaven
And you come into a cave
Amid the cold and the ice
O my beloved child
I see you trembling here
O blessed God
How much it cost you to have loved me
On Serenity, at night, you could sometimes see your own breath. Not often, as it were. But on occasions, when money was low (when wasn’t’ it?), and fuel stations a bit father off than the captain would like, Kaylee would lower the ambient temperature. Simon would come to her then, insisting that she wrap herself in another large sweater, lacing the boots onto her feet. But River liked the cold. Liked the way that it made her skin gooseflesh; ridges on a smooth plain.
River knew how Simon kept warm at night. He would leave her with a lingering sigh, before taking comfort with Kaylee. She could feel the warmth generated by Kaylee throughout the ship. Her joy ran throughout Serenity like the electrical current itself. It thrummed, sang in the corridors like Simon’s blood through his veins.
Zoe’s grief wound its way around the cockpit door. Shadowy and brittle tendrils over panels and wires. River would sit in Wash’s chair, and feel the ghost that lived within it. There were echoes of laugher and ecstasy that would never leave the leather.
The captain was relieved. The coil that had wound so tightly within him for six years had burst open, bright and strong on Miranda. He left that planet with vindication behind his eyes. There was an old fire burning brightly in Malcolm Reynolds.
And then, there was Jayne.
Jayne circled the crew like a hungry predator. He loped between stairwells and corners, sometimes even disappearing within the open space of the cargo hold. In plain sight, but so easy to overlook.
That’s why River could catch his eyes so easily. She could feel his gaze upon her, watching her. He admired the way she moved; like a girl he once saw when he was little, when a circus came through. His gaze burned across her flesh, taking in legs, arms, the coy look she could give him that the others mistook for innocence.
River saw how she made his blood quicken, his lips parting before he could remember himself. She felt the longing of his cells wanting to mesh with hers. Colliding and sliding together - creating friction until both of them burst apart like the universe did one day long, long ago.
And so, on Christmas Eve, after the Shepherd had finished saying his evening prayers, folding his symbol in his jacket and saying goodnight to Jayne, River crept from the corridor. Jayne’s hand was to his holster, almost ready to draw when he saw her face. Relaxing, he sat back, plastering a sneer on his face.
“Whatcha doin, Crazy?”
But she didn’t say a word. She stepped towards him, light as a feather. Reaching forward, ignoring his flinch, she caressed his jaw with her fingertips. She then walked on, passing him, and settling herself in the nook, resting on the worn cushions. He had stood, following her, taking a swig from his good brandy, it being Christmas.
“Can’t stand listenin to yer brother and Kaylee rut?”
She looked up at him, scowling, “I can still hear them.” Then she grinned, almost blushing, “I don’t try to stop it.”
He let out a true laugh at that.
“I don’t ‘spect you do. Aw hell, wouldn’t mind a com switch getting flipped every now and then myself.” Jayne licked his lips at the thought of it, making River laugh.
An uneasy silence followed, and then River stood up. “Merry Christmas, Jayne.” And then, quick as lightning, Jayne felt a brush of lips against his, before she was floating off towards her room.
Later that night, Jayne was in his bunk, trying to sleep, but still working over that kiss that River had given him. Knowing that he must be getting desperate for trim if that little kiss was enough to rouse him, he untied his pants, shoving them downwards, and grasped a hold of himself. Summoning up visions of River’s warm, willing mouth, he began to pull.
River stepped lightly, sliding her brother’s door just seven centimeters apart.
Jayne was thinking of the sounds that come with a night spent in a woman’s arms, when suddenly the sounds of it came flooding into his ears. Sitting up in his bunk, he listened hard, then smiled, and lay back down. Moments later, he was surrounded by long, brown hair. It was the miracle made flesh. Without thinking twice, he took advantage.
On Christmas morning, Kaylee was the first one awake. Last Christmas, her and Wash had cooked a breakfast for the crew. Nothing fancy, but enough to make it a real celebration. This year, she had managed to buy a little bit of flour the last time they were planetside, and today, there would be real pancakes. She ducked from the passenger quarters towards her own bunk, finally ready to unearth Simon’s present, when another creak made her look up.
Christmas breakfast wasn’t quite what had Simon expected. Kaylee was nervous about something, the clatter of pans in the kitchen telling as much. Simon hoped she wasn’t expecting much by the way of presents. But Simon couldn’t help grinning at the sight of his sister, radiant and happy. She gave him a kiss on his cheek, and sat next to him. The crew took their seats at the table, one by one.
River would not meet Jayne’s eyes. He was her first. Regret ran hard between them. And now River, too, would leave a scar on Serenity. She knew one day their orbits would cross again. And that time, there would be nothing between them but sky.