For those of you with taste in foppish wonky faced men, is this man not rather attractive? Well I think he is. Mel however is not convinced.....
So the question is, who is the maddest - Mel for thinking he mings, or me for thinking he's foxy? I would be interested in your critiques on the matter.
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Comments 32
I mostly like his clothes but I cannot bear chest-plus-scarf
He himself definitely thinks he doesn't ming, which is a minging quality
He's not as clever as he thinks he is
His voice is annoying
I usually like foppish wonky men too. Bizarre.
I'm job-hunting too at the moment, but for some reason I am going through a strangly asexual stage of life; maybe I shouldn't be commenting on Monsieur B at all? Oh, and there's nothing at ALL wrong with funny men appearing more attractive than they are. I have a real thing for Chris Addison *blushes* - shame he's married, coz that's obviously the only hurdle between me and him being a sure thing...
I think I need to reactivate myself; am bored of only meeting gay men. I'm putting a call out there: someone set me up with a lovely person please. Just don't show him the pic that Leo took of me at the Camden meat :/
It's fun when it comes feel like a giddy teenage girl again. My life stops at about 7.00pm on a Saturday.....nothing gets between me and the Doctor.
(still got my fingers crossed for you :)
I want to work at the Armouries!! Waaahh! Why can't they hurry up and let me know one way or the other - swines!
It was actually the Ross interview that tipped me over the edge. I liked Celebrity Big Brother's Big Mouth, but still thought he was a bit of a dick. Then I started seeing the adverts for his new MTV show - he was wearing all black, looking foxy and talking about voodoo - my radar picked him up again. Then he was on Ross and I thought he came across funny, intelligent and also alightly mad....all of which are good qualities in my book. Therefore Brand = Yum
Hence I am now looking forward v v much to the new series of Big Bro.....actually the advert for that is pretty funny too.
I think he sometimes comes across as a bit of a dick, but in the main he makes me swoon/laugh (delete as applicable).
*L* You stole my line. He doesn't come a cross as a bit of a dick...he is a dick.
TICK - girly clothes (in the main)
TICK - men in eyeliner
TICK - foppish girly spoddy men
TICK - not shaving very often
But all of it is to no avail if the guy thinks he's hotter than Satan's jalapenos.
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