Naruto Fanfiction
Title: Snapshots: Black and White (Part 1)
Genre: General/Romance
Pairings: SasuHina
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Summary: A series of snapshots through Sasuke and Hinata's relationship. Set in 5 parts
~Part I~
He greeted Kurenai as she opened the door, and she smiled at him distractedly, while trying to get Akiko to put on her jacket. 'She's in the back room,' she told him and he nodded. 'Akiko and I are leaving now for the festival,' she continued, and he was glad for the presence of her child, aware that otherwise he might be in for a lecture on what not to do in an empty flat with Hinata. Sasuke told her to enjoy it and not to worry about being late - if looks could kill, Kurenai would have fried him by now - and walked off to look for Hinata.
He had been so blind when he had first met her on that wet, cold morning. Sasuke had repaired to the most secluded training ground, needing some time to train, to get to grips with his new self after nearly a year of house arrest, still testing his limits with his new seals.
She came there to train, and she found him there. She looked distinctly unappealing, with her long grey jacket dawn to her knees and baggy black pants, hair mussed up and that frightened look on her face. But he needed someone to measure himself with, someone who wasn’t Sakura, solicitous and over-careful, or Naruto, energetic and annoying.
There wasn’t love at first sight or even attraction. She agreed only because she was too polite not to, he asked her because he had no choice. He beat her easily without activating his Sharingan, and was disgusted by her weakness and left her. What surprised him was that she came back. Again and again, day after day, even thought he beat her every time, she came back, always determined to try even if she was doomed to fail.
He wasn't sure when he started to like her. He started to like the way she kept on fighting even when she was down, the fact that she wasn’t obsessed about her looks and her clothes, the look of intense concentration on her face when he thought her something. She could also cook, which was a godsend to the Uchiha who couldn't boil an egg to save his life, and she always brought plenty to their training sessions.
When he realised that he found the way she stammered and blushed endearing, and that her steely determination combined with her many insecurities had a certain charm, he was surprised. When he realised that he wanted to pound Naruto’s face in the mud every time he went near her, he realised he was royally screwed. The anger inside him, every time Naruto unintentionally said something flirtatious, the look of naked adoration on her face every time the egg-head turned up, consumed him. She was hopelessly in love. It seemed that he'd never even stand a chance.
That didn’t stop him of course. Sasuke never backed down from a challenge, and from such a challenge…well…
He watched her as she lay curled up on the sofa, reading avidly, lips slightly parted and a look of intense concentration on her face. She was paler than he’d liked her to be, but the past months hadn’t been easy on her, nor on him either. No-one seemed able to accept that they could be together. She’d moved in with Kurenai when her father told her plainly that if she continued to ‘pursue a shameful relationship’ with the Uchiha, she could simply leave home. To everyone’s surprise, and Hinata’s most of all, she’d done exactly that.
She looked up as he came in, and smiled closing her book. ‘Kurenai-san told me you were here,’ he told her after kissing her lightly on the lips, ‘she’s taking her kid to the fireworks festival.’
Hinata nodded. ‘Akiko-chan was very anxious to go,’ she said, and he detected a faint note of wistfulness in her voice. Team 8 had always gone together to the fireworks festival but she’d eschewed the tradition this time. There was a certain strain between members of Team 8 thanks to Sasuke’s inclusion in Hinata’s life. When Hinata told them that yes, she was going out with the Uchiha and no, she had no intention of leaving him, sparks flew. It was open warfare between them, and any chance encounter was sure to start a fight. Neji was no better, and only Hinata's intervention prevented bloodshed.
Hinata never spoke of it, but it hurt her that no-one could be happy for her. She was a sweet-natured girl, but some things that had been said marred her relationship with her cousin and friends and caused a distinct coolness between them.
His lot was easy compared to hers - he had no one to disappoint, and Sakura's concerns and looks he could easily shrug off. Sasuke felt slightly guilty at all the trouble he'd caused her, but at the same time he knew that he didn't want to give her up. She was his.
He drew her into an embrace and she lay her head contentedly on his chest. Sasuke swallowed. He needed to ask her, it was the perfect time but... ‘We could go on the roof if you like,’ he suggested, presently, stroking her hair and cursing himself for being a coward, ‘We’ll get to watch the show without having to mingle with the crowd.’
They sat on the rooftop, watching the brilliantly coloured fireworks, music from the festival adding to the atmosphere.
‘Beautiful,’ Hinata breathed as she watched the sky being illuminated with colours.
‘Yes,’ Sasuke murmured, looking at her, ‘beautiful.’ Hinata blushed and he smiled slightly for compliments always took her by surprise, even now, even from him. How could he ever have thought her plain? Sasuke fingered the gift he had brought her and was suddenly nervous. Maybe it was foolish of him to expect that she… well, he wasn’t going to offer a bed of roses… obviously she could do better… But she had stuck with him even though everyone thought she was crazy... Hang it all, he wasn't anxious, he was terrified.
‘Sasuke?’ a pair of pearly white eyes looked at him anxiously. ‘Are you alright?’
He swallowed and forced himself to meet her eyes. ‘I have a present for you,’ he said lightly, hoping that his voice wouldn’t fail him.
Sasuke took her hand, so small, so white, and slipped ring on her finger, a intricately designed silver ring with a single sapphire. Her mouth formed an o in surprise, as she stared at the ring glinting in the light of the fireworks, looking as though little flames of fire were dancing in the stone. ‘I.. I… it’s beautiful, Sasuke,’ she said softly as she gazed at it. Her expression suddenly took on a guilty look. ‘But, it’s too much for me! I can’t..’
'I want you to have it,' he said quickly, stopping her. Oh Kami, he needed to find his wits again and ask before his courage failed him. That he, the great Uchiha Sasuke could be reduced to such a state by this girl! It was almost unbelievable.
‘It’s been in my family for generations,’ he said and she looked horrified at the thought that she'd take something like that from him. But before she could speak, he placed his finger on her lips and her protestations died down. ‘This ring,' he continued nervously, 'it’s been passed down from mother to son so that he… he can give it…’
She was looking at him intently, her beautiful pale face framed by dark hair, a faint blush on her cheeks and he knew that it was her, could only be her.
Sasuke took both her hands in his, and looked at her squarely in her eyes. ‘Hinata, will you be my wife?’
Hinata fainted.
Link to Part II
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