1. My ex -- i haven't seen since the summer and i kinda miss.
2. I am listening to-- nothing, actually...cause my computer sound is ass.
3. Maybe I should-- go to bed so i can not pass out during my logic test tomorrow
4. I Want-- to know how to write this art history paper
5. My friends-- i value more than anything
6. I don't understand-- why people walk in front of moving vehicles
7. I lost my respect for-- someone once
9. The meaning of my display name is-- no fucking clue.
10. Love is-- worth fighting for
11. Somewhere, someone is-- sleeping, and it's not me
12. I will always-- be late to things
13. Forever seems-- like a long time
14. I never want to lose-- my creativity
15. My mobile phone is-- charging
16. When I wake up in the morning-- i fall back asleep for a half an hour
17. I get annoyed at-- pedestrians who run out in front of my car
18. Parties are-- fuzzy
19. My pet(s)- doesn't exist
22. I really want-- everything to work out
20. Kisses are-- reassuring
21. Today I-- discovered the River Campus of the U of R. AND IT'S FUCKING HUGE!
U S E L E S S | I N F O R M A T I O N
Name: Lala
sex: she
Birthday: 5/24
Sign: gemini
Siblings: Anthony
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: brown
Height: 5'6...or something
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight. but girls don't count.
Whos your best friend?: Amy E. Braun
What is your longest relationship?: 2 years
F A S H I O N | S T U F F
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?: h&m and target
Any tattoos or piercings: weird ear one
What is your most comfortable outfit?: hoody, pj pants
What do you usually wear?: cardigans, tight jeans, weird shit...headbands? yea. usually. um. Keds.
Do you do drugs?: a little MJ here and there
What kind of shampoo do you use?: herbal essences
What are you most scared of?: failing at life
What are you listening to right now?: fffffffff
Who is the last person that you called?: Ian cause the phone died
Who is the last person that called you?: Ian
Where do you want to get married: no freakin clue
What would you change about yourself?: my inablility to retain sufficient information
Colors: teal and magenta
Foods: greek and sushi
Movies: fucked up ones
Animals: foofers, DUH.
H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: um. no?
Smoked?: yesp
Bungee jumped?: never ever ever
Ever made yourself throw up?: no, cause i hate throwing up
Ever been in love?: yes
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: when i was little
Pictured your crush naked: HUUUUUUUUR
Cried when someone died?: of course
Lied: who hasn't? I don't like to though...i try not to
Fallen for your best friend?: Yes. Both best friends. At the same time. We had a lesbionic threesome. yes. lesbiONIC.
Used someone?: no
Done something you regret?: i don't tend to regret things because i learn from them
clothes: well..today i wore my acid trip tshirt, black sweater, jeans...
Annoyance: logic test tomorrowww eeek
CD in player: nothing probably
DVD in player: i aints got one of my own.
L A S T | P E R S O N
You left a message for?: i don't remember
You texted: morgan
You cuddled: my mommy and i cuddled last night and watched Sex and the City
You kissed: my mommzzy. on the cheek cause i love her.
A R E | Y O U
Understanding: extremely
Open-minded: very
Arrogant: dude. i don't even think i could pretend to be. i don't know how.
Persistent: never
Insecure: oh yea. i'm workin on it though
Hungry: kindaaa
Smart: depends on your definition.
Moody: when i'm PMSing or stressed
Hard working: depends for what
Organized: NAH
Healthy: i try to eat healthy
Difficult: not really
Bored easily: i gots the ADD i thinks
Sad: not anymore
Happy: generally
Hyper: when i get excited
Angry: at pedestrians
i feel so much better right now. about everything. this week has been really odd...better in ways it usually lacks...and lacking in ways it is usually good... but now, i feel very optimistic. life is hard sometimes, you know? and your mind does CRAZY things...and thinks WAY CRAZY things. but it all comes around.