Internet Identity

Apr 11, 2014 16:45

This blog moved to in April 2014.
Head on over for more up-to-date reading.I lose track of what we are supposed to think about presentation of self on the internet. One minute it is liberating, the next minute it is dangerous. One minute it is our authentic self, the next it is a pack of lies. We tell young people to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

birdienl April 11 2014, 20:34:44 UTC
I also have a blog, so I'll add your new 'home' to my reading list there and your post will still turn up in my feed!


ringsandcoffee April 12 2014, 00:19:49 UTC
Since they phased out iGoogle, I haven't found a good blog feed. I still have some that I made LJ feeds for, so I'll try that with your new blog.


jennigan April 15 2014, 09:13:57 UTC
I will miss you on LJ, even though I also stopped writing in mine! I wonderful if we would be the friends we are today without this lovely blogging platform?

See you on Wordpress :) (and also, see you on Thursday!)


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