Rules of the meme:
1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.
2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such
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I want to see reactions, people! How does Rorschach handle being outed, and in such a crude manner? Do criminals stop being afraid of the duo? Is Veidt suddenly calling them about threesomes?
Bonus points if they get a lecture about discretion from Hollis, because we all know the Minutemen were secretly fucking like rabbits.
But I can't help but love the way you're writing it anon!
Dan sits on the second-to-last step of his basement stairs, nursing at his mug of coffee.
The first thing he’d done, after coming down here to a missing partner, was to check the bathroom, see if he was in there losing his cookies again. When that hadn’t panned out, he’d checked every corner he could think of, every cranny; even checked inside Archie because Rorschach does have the door release code, though he’s never used it without Nite Owl’s permission. He’d jogged down the tunnel a ways then, hoping maybe he'd just needed a little distance but hadn’t been quite ready to entirely abandon the premises.
“Rorschach?” he’d called, and the way the tunnels had echoed it back at him had felt like a taunting.
It’s been an hour, now. The coffee’s long cold, but he still sips at it, letting the murky sludge settle into his gut. The rational part of his brain is insisting that it’s okay, Rorschach does this, he’s done it a dozen times. Another equally rational voice is clamoring that no, he’s never done it while Dan’s back was turned. ( ... )
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