Here it is-the Watchmen kink meme inspired by the endless Rorschach threads on /pco/!
Rules of the meme:
1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.
2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write
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Please don't let this be like Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, all addictive & amazing but with so much untapped potential to be continued!
Dear gods help me, I want to do this. I will try to do this. I just can't say exactly when (but I'm horribly compulsive so hopefully it won't be long...)
If you don't, the commies win.
I gotta finish another story (here on the kinkmeme) first, and then I'll see what I can do with this. They still have the trip to Antarctica to make, and Dan did mention having plenty to read... Muahahahahaha....*cough* Erm.
*punches air*
that fic so sooooo funny, I love it. Especially the sex pollen discovery MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA
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