It was a joke directed at the people in the picture. Generally when people make such a statement online, others (ie smart people) call them trolls and blow them off. So I sort of took that concept and I...
oh nevermind. Anyway, these people are a detriment to the anti-war movement as such statements ignore the fact that the troops aren't so much to blame as those who are commanding them. Also: this just gives the right something to point at and go 'SEE I TOLD YOU THEY HATE AMERICA'!
I'm thinking that if people are going to march for such a thing and make such a statement that they should be brave enough to show their faces and not cover them with bandanas. If one is going to carry such a banner and march or whatever it is that they do with it, then they should be proud of themselves for what they are standing up for.
I, personally wouldn't not hold their sentiment though. I support the troops. They are only doing as they are told, they are doing their job, they are doing what they have to do to protect all of us who live here in the United States of America.
I think they are going a little too far to make a statement. It's not the troops fault that they are in Iraq, shouldn't they be putting blame where blame is due. With that in mind it should read FUCK BUSH AND HIS GENERALS!! with a nice bring our troops home. That would be more logical then hiding behind bandanas and thinking that all the troops out there are evil because of some freaks who got power hunger and are abusing their power by beating and torturing people, not all in-listed people are like that, every group has their bad with their good. IMHO!
Comments 22
oh nevermind. Anyway, these people are a detriment to the anti-war movement as such statements ignore the fact that the troops aren't so much to blame as those who are commanding them. Also: this just gives the right something to point at and go 'SEE I TOLD YOU THEY HATE AMERICA'!
So yeah.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
I, personally wouldn't not hold their sentiment though. I support the troops. They are only doing as they are told, they are doing their job, they are doing what they have to do to protect all of us who live here in the United States of America.
So...I'm wondering, what do YOU think of this?
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