so jen's brother, jeff (who works with jarred but is also a fireman) got hurt in a fire last night. poor guy. it was a flash over and it knocked him outta the house (thankfully) if he'd have been trapped in there he wouldda been more injured than his second-degree-burnt ear. i'm gonna make him a get well pillow with some fabric i got from Joann's.
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Comments 9
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such a good person. but lazy, so that's why the pillow still isn't made, lol
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i have plenty of fabric, i bought too much!!
oooh...making pillows is fun. You should make beanbags too and find out whatever they have in those lovesacks and put that in them :D
or that stuff thats in those pillows you put in the microwave. Those are good stuff. I can make pillows and purses!
and what microwave pillows are you talking about??
please teach me how to make purses. please.
Reply know those pillows in the mall that you heat up? And they have herbs and sandy stuff in them and they smell good and make your headache go away? I love those.
I can make 2 kinds. I just suck at using a machine. I have a friend who showed me the scrunchy sack kind of purse and my stepmom used to make and sell little handbag purses. I'll have to get her to refresh me and we can make em'! Haha, when I move out I'm gonna have purses and pillows all over the place!!!!!
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