So on a boring Wednesday afternoon, Kris decided to surprise us with good news. Of course, he had to tease us first.
I'm so excited to tell you that there is a 3rd single coming out. The 3rd single will be.......(drum roll)
and then 6 looooong minutes later, during which krisberts alternated between flailing and goading kris:
The next single will be "Alright With Me". Thanks to everyone that has already believed in this song. This fall is gonna be a lot of fun.
I. AM. SO. EXCITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pat finally got the fuck out, and we finally get AWM! I'm hoping for a new single cover :D
This also makes so much sense in terms of what Kris and Jive have been doing, promo and marketing wise. ilu, kris.
Here, have a lulzy fanvid of Alright With Me, made by apriljoiex83
Click to view