Title:Into The Dark
Summary:Au version of season 7 Btvs;The Hellmouth's opening has sent Sunnydale into
constant darkness.Sending everyone into a state of panic.
Rating:pg 13 to start then N17
Chapter Three
Angel stood by the window in his bedroom,wondering where Buffy was. Hearing of her turning had come as quite a shock. A Slayer turned vampire while not unheard of,it was very rare in occurance.Not only because of the impossiblity of turning one,but because it just wasn't done.Most vampires feared turning a Slayer. The sire would have to always be on guard.Turning someone as powerful as a Slayer meant the childe would be far more powerful than hte sire. So whoever had turned Buffy had to have been either extremely foolish, or powerfully strong.
Giles had said Spike had been there when Buffy had been turned,but had never told the story of the turning. When Wes had questioned Spike himself.The younger vampire had become extremely angry. Then left the hotel and has yet to return.His leaving had left an uncomfortable silence,broken by Willow's softly spoken statement.
"He won't tell. I think he blames himself." After that telling statement Giles had asked if they could all get some sleep,then after showing them to their rooms,Angel had come here. He told himself he wasn't watching for Spike, that he was just keeping an eye out for any demons that may try to get in. But he knew he was lying to himself.
Turing from the window,Angel walked over to his bed, thinking he would rest until he heard the younger vampire coming in.
Spike walked through the deserted town, hoping he would be able to find a bar somewhere with some jack.If ever he needed a drink it was now. The watcher's casually asked question had thrown him. He hadn't wanted to think about the night of Buffy's turning.In fact he had refused to think about it. The Scoobie's had understood, they hadn't really wanted to hear it anyways. Even Giles hadn't.
He had never seen a vampires so powerful. If that's what you would even call them. They had been unbeatable, they had taken everything he and Buffy had thrown at them and still came back for more.In the end they had lost and Buffy was brutally killed then turned.While he looked on powerless.It was a sight he saw everytime he closed his eyes.
The Hellmouth's opening had been nothing but a nightmare from day one. They had lost so much,and it wasn't over yet.Not by a long shot. Would it even be possible to close it back up? With no Slayer it would be impossible. But there was a Slayer, Faith. Was she still alive though? And would they be able to find her? These were questions he's have to ask Giles.
With that in mind,Spike gave up on the useless search of a drink and headed back towards the hotel. He needed to run this by Giles as soon as possible. It could be their only hope to beat this thing.
Walking into the hotel, Spike found the loby empty. Shrugging he headed over to the stairs, he could use a bit of a kip himself.Tomorrow was soon enough to run his idea by the watcher. Besides he wasn't too keen on talking in front of the Angel and his humans. He didn't trust them anymore than they trusted him. Following the stairwell he came to a sudden stop, standing in the middle of the hall was his Angel, and he looked like he was waiting for his arrival. This should prove to be fun, waiting for him to say something,Spike leaned against the wall.
"Spike,I want to talk to you>" Motioning for him to follow,Angel turned and led the way to his bedroom. Walking in he waited patiently for the younger vampire to enter,then closed the door behind them. Spike opened his mouth to protest, then shut it again when Angel went over to a built in barand poured them a drink. Handing it to him,Angel sat down on one of the chairs and motioned for Spike to do the same.
Spike sat down then waited for Angel to begin.Hoping he wouldn't start in on the same line of questioning his watcher did.
"So,Spike. Want to tell me about the soul?" Angel asked,then winced when the question came out sounding like he didn't believe him. Way to start mending fences,Angel. He thought to himself.
Spike snorted, there he goes.The self rightious bastard can't stand the thought of him not being so special anymore. Should've known really, Angelus could never stand not being the center of attention.
"Went and earned it,all you need to know." Spike told him,draining the last of his drink he got up intending on leaving before things got out of hand. All he needed was for the ponce to start a fight and then his pets come in all stake happy.
"Wait,Spike.Look I know you have no reason to believe me,but that wasn't the way I meant it. What happened?Wait..did you just say earned it?You weren't cursed?" The genuine curiosity in Angel's voice convinced Spike that he truly wanted to know and wasn't being his typical asshole of a self.
"Yes, Earned. Went to Africa,seen a demon.Passed some trials.Then he gave me back my soul." Seeing the disbelief in Angel's face,Spike huffed in annoyance."What? 'S the truth."
Angel shook his head in amazement.Then he said. "That's remarkable."
Spike had no idea on how to respond to that so he said nothing. Letting the silence once more decsend upon them. He couldn't quite figure out what Angel wanted from him. In the old days he had no secrets from Angelus.He told him everything. Now he was at a loss as to what to say the the older vampire. The distance between them was too wide. Leaning back in the chair he as sitting in,Spike found he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.Sleep was something he caught in short stretches at a time, and he hadn't been asleep in hours not counting the short catnap on the drive here.Letting himself go he drifted into the first easy sleep he had in a long time.
Angel watched as Spike fell into a deep sleep, getting up he walked quietly over to the closet and got out a blanket.If memory served him right, Spike always slept better when covered. Covering the sleeping vampire,Angel fought the need to run his hand through his hair. Knowing that to do so would surely wake the younger vampire.
Drawing in a uneeded sigh,Angel went over to his bed and lied down.But he knew sleep would be a long time coming. The unexpected knews of the Hellmouth's opening on top of Spike being there made for some real brooding material. Not to mention the news of Buffy's turning. All the wondering and research they had been doing, not once did they think the Hellmouth's opening had anything to do with it.
Closing his eyes Angel knew he needed to rest, the powers only knew what was going to crop up tomorrow. The dark haired vampire felt the exhaustion he had been fighting over come him, and fell into a troubled sleep.
The next morning Giles and Wesley were deep into the books,hoping they held some clue as to wat they should do. But Giles held very little hope in that happening, for Wesley had most of the same books he did. And they had nothing in them partaining to what was happening. He had been shocked to find Wesley up when he had come downstairs. He hadn't slept well despite being exhausted. So he had decided to try and get some reading done, only to find Wesley seemed to have had the same idea.
Hearing a faint noise from the loby he glanced up to find Spike standing in the doorway looking a little unsure of his welcome. When he noticed Wesley's presence. The blonde couldn't have gotten much sleep, he had only gotten a few hours himself, and Spike hadn't been there when he had went to his room.
"Spike." Giles said mainly to let the other man know they were no longer alone.
"Can I speak to you a mniute,Rupes?" Spike asked softly, still not comfortable talking in front of Angel's pet humans.He knew Angel trusted them, but Spike learned the hard way not to trust anyone right off. Seeing Giles nod in accent, Spike lead the way into the loby.Coming to a halt ,Spike turned to face the ex-watcher not sure on how to approach the subject of looking for Faith.
He knew the trouble the dark haired Slayer had caused for Buffy. But they had little choice in the matter. They needed a Slayer, and Buffy's death hadn't resulted in the calling of another Slayer. So Faith was the only choice they had.
Giles didn't like the uncommon nervousness in the blondes posture. He had learned a long time ago that it took alot for Spike to become nervous. So whatever it was it couldn't be good.
"What is it,Spike?" The ex-watcher asked.
Spike took out a cigarette and lit it, ignoring the look Giles sent him. He needed the sense of warmth smoking gave him right then, Drawing deeply on the fag, Spike said.
"We need a Slayer." He stopped hoping Giles wouldn't make him say it out right.
"I realize this, Spike. But as you know Buffy's turning made no differance. No Slayer was called to take her place." Giles responded,wondering where Spike could possibly be heading with his line of thinking.
"Faith.We could always get Faith."
Giles opened his mouth to protest,then stopped. Depsite what Faith had done to Buffy the last time she was in town, Spike was right,they needed her. But he wanted to deny it. Faith was trouble with a capital t.
"We have no way of knowing if she's still alive." Giles said, taking off his glasses and cleaning them. Spike took a drag off his cigarette and responded.
"Willow could do it, and you know it as well as I do. I know she's not your favorite person but she's all we got." Spike didn't know who he was trying to convince Giles or himself.
The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs interupted what Giles was going to say. They turned to see Xander coming down the stairs, Spike knew he had said all he could on the subject.
"Hey,guys. What's to eat? I haven't eaten since yesterday morning and the Xanman is hungry." He came to a halt in front of them. Spike realizing just how hungry he was, turned towards the kitchen to see what was on offer. Followed closely by Xander the two left the ex-watcher deep in thought.